Just One More Dance

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"I think I should ask her out." Scorpius said as he distractely shoved food into his mouth. "I mean, we did dance at that party on New Year's Day."

"Mmmh." Albus sighed internally, "That was just one dance. And it didn't end well at all--"

"You don't need to remind me of how I embarrassed myself every time we slightly brush the topic, Albus." Al couldn't tell if the disgust in his voice was fake. He certainly hoped so.

"OK. Sorry."

Scorpius ran a hand through his white-blond hair. "So should I ask her out?"

Albus really wanted to bang his head against a wall right then, but he somehow managed to keep his voice neutral. "You decide, mate." He almost sounded bored, he thought proudly.

"Alright then. I am going to ask her out today at lunchtime. It's decided." Albus selfishly hoped Rose would tell him no straight away. His cousin had a boyfriend, after all. Maybe Albus should tell him... "When's the next Hogsmeade weekend?"

Oh no. This is bad, Albus thought with a soft sigh. "April 25th. That's not too far."

"That's perfect! And I heard there's going to be a dance floor at the Three Broomsticks!"

Albus really wanted to feel happy for his friend, and yet all he could feel was a stinging sensation of disappointment. But he needed to be better. For his friend's sake.

That's exactly how they ended up at the Gryffindor table during lunch break.

Everyone was staring at them, and whispers ran up the sides of the Gryffindor table faster than light. Albus never understood why gossip traveled so bloody fast in this school.

Al pulled at his best friend's sleeve and tried to make him back away. "Scor, you really don't have to do this now, you can always--"

Too late. The whole table quitened, and Albus thanked Merlin that conversation at the Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw ones was still alive: otherwise the whole school would have heard what happened next.

"Hey Rose!" Scorpius said, trying his best to sound confident and completely failing at it. "I was just wondering... will you go on a date with me?"

Rose laughed. I mean, she actually started laughing. It was an incredulous laugh, like she couldn't quite see the point of what Scorpius was asking.

"What's so funny?" Scorpius said, his cheeks heating up.

"Nothing." Rose looked even more embarrassed than him right then. She hadn't meant to laugh at him, everyone could see it on her face. "I just didn't expect you to ask. Sorry."

Scorpius smiled weakly, a sparkle of hope in his eyes. "So would you like to--"

Rose shook her head, her eyes darting to the Slytherin table for the barest moment. Her eyes softened, and she whispered, "I'm sorry, Scorpius."

Scorpius felt his face burn hotter than dragon fire. He heard whispers rising all around him, and people wondering aloud whether Rose had declined or accepted his offer.

The world blurred. Every sound around him became a noise in the background. His thoughts were the only ones running free on the stage.

Standing there, he felt like a lion in a cage and everyone was stopping to look at him.

But no, not a lion. A mouse. Yes, he felt like a teeny-tiny mouse with an ugly tail, and everyone was suddenly laughing at him. He hoped that picture was just in his head.

"Come on!" Al. He snapped out of his trance, and noise and chattering filled his ears. Albus was tugging his arm, pulling him away. And yes, he only wanted to go away, to disappear and never come back. So Scorpius half-ran out of the Great Hall with Albus Potter, his face burning with shame. As soon as they were in the privacy of the Common Room and climbing up to their dorm, though, Scorpius groaned in frustration. His voice was filled with confusion too, Al noticed. "But... but we danced together!"

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