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"Do you really want to go though?" He asks as he held both of my hands, putting them in between his. I shake my head with slight tears in my eyes.

"I really don't, I want to stay with you." I sigh as I pull my hands away from him and hugging him tightly, him wrapping his arms around my waist. "But my dad did say he could drive me here on the weekends."

"But I want to be with you forever." Seungmin says. Kunwoo then awkwardly comes up from behind him. Seungmin confusingly turns around and breaks the hug.

Kunwoo then apologises for ruining the moment. "We have to go now if we want to get to the new house in time."
I sigh deeply as I nod my head, then opening the side door again and jumping in and closing it as I then buckle my seatbelt in. My dad the. starts the car as I open my window to Seungmin, small tears going down my cheeks.

"I'll text you when I get there?" I ask, him nodding his head yes as he wipes my tears using his thumb. "I'll miss you.."

"I'll miss you too, baby." He smiles, giving me a quick peck on the lips before waving the whole car off. My dad then drives onto the main road.

"You didn't tell us you were dating him." My mom smirks as she looks back to me. I groan as I hide my face in my sleeves.


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