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"Get off your phone and read!" Seungmin whines as he grabs my phone out of my hands and throws a manga onto my lap. I scoff as I reach for my phone again and retrieve it back, frowning at him.

We were both sat on a blanket Seungmin brought to the park. Between us was a small basket filled with packaged snacks he had bought and 2 lunchboxes filled with sandwiches he had made.

"I was getting my homework off Jihwa!" I shout out, looking at my screen as I then look up at Seungmin and glare at him. "You've already pulled me out of school and now you don't want me to do homework?! Do you want me to fail in life?!"

"Shut your mouth people are looking at us now.." Seungmin mumbles as he nudged his head at some people around us. I look around slightly and notice that almost everyone was looking at us.

"Do they like seeing couples fight or something?" I lower my voice and open up the manga I didn't even look at once for the 2 hours we've been here.

"Seems like it." Seungmin shrugs as he looks back down to his book which he is almost done reading. Honestly, I'm surprised someone can read a book with ease.. I always had some trouble.

Everytime I read something, I would just doze off and scan the words, not even reading them. Then once I'm back in realised I would continue reading on and then I'd get confused, so I'd have to go back a few lines or pages to find a line I remember and I would read from there again. This process would happen over and over again.

Meanwhile, with manga it's a bit more easier with me. I'm more of a visual learner. There isn't a lot of text, but when there are it's mainly onomatopoeia.

"You said you were getting your homework off Jihwa." Seungmin then sighs as he places a bookmark into the book, then closing it and placing it beside him as he then looks at me. "Did you get any?"

"Maths homework.." I frown as I take a look at the manga, reading the blurb at the back. Seungmin then grabs it out of my hands. "Oi!"

"I'll go get your backpack from my car and I'll also help you with your math." He says as he digs his keys out of his jean pockets, standing up from the blanket and ruffling my hair up on his way to the car.

I look back at him with a frown as I fix my hair using my fingers, slowly brushing the mess away.
"If I actually fall for you, I swear to God I'll cry.."

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