Heat Cycle

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    Ever since Riz triggered Annie's heat cycle, the tigress has been going crazy with horniness. She uses her vibrator and watching types of porn to help out with it. With carnivores smelling that she's in heat, it's hard to keep horny boys away from her. When Bill smelt her scent, he'll think of ways to keep the guys from getting too close to his cousin. He knows when pervs are out there and what they think like because he's big of one himself but he doesn't throw himself at girls like the rest do. Pina knows she wants Riz and will keep the carnivore guys from getting in her pants. Annie and Pina pretended to date to keep the guys off of her back. They're not actually dating but they're doing it as a cover up. Bill is the only one that knows that they're not dating along with Annie's roommates, but they know to keep their mouths shut to keep the guys from asking out Annie. The white tigress will go to Pina's rehearsals and theatre plays when the school stopped suspending them. Then Pina went with Annie and Sapphire to their self defense classes as to make it look like they're actually dating. Pina talked to Riz and Bill about the whole fake dating thing to keep everyone off of Annie's back. Bill was cool with it because then he won't have to worry about any guys going near Annie. Riz was a little skeptical about it but with the fake dating thing working, then he started to trust the plan.

  With Pina around, Annie felt safe and that Pina was a good friend despite him getting on her nerves sometimes. He cares about Annie even though he can be a pain in the ass to her and Bill. The tigress started to wear the blouse that Pina bought for her to make it look realistic. Sometimes hanging out with Sapphire while wearing the blouse made it feel like she wasn't underdressed. Even the ram started tagging along with them on their hang outs and shopping sprees. Pina and Sapphire hung out to and the lioness liked having him around to help her pick out clothes and the girly stuff. Pina and Sapphire went to a sex store to help out Annie with what she can use to relieve her heat cycle. "Nothing too big I don't like anything that big getting shoved up me". Annie told them. The ram and lioness could tell she was a virgin because she's afraid of the pain. Plus she was scared of pregnancy so that's why she agreed to the fake dating thing with Pina so she won't have to worry about getting raped nor pressured into having sex with a guy she didn't want to fuck. She has a hard time trying to get a girlfriend because most of them see her as competition or they're straight. Most of the female herbivores are afraid of her because she's a carnivore, and won't try to get to Pina with the fear of them getting eaten by the white tigress. The carnivores are shocked that Pina is dating a tigress instead of some herbivore chick with horns. They bought her everything she needed to end her heat cycle or wait for it to end on its own. The ram and tigress were cuddling each other to fool the whole school while waiting for their friend to get done looking for something. When the lioness was done, they grabbed a bite to eat and went back to Cherryton.

   Just as Pina and Annie were platonic cuddling, she starts purring and rubbing her head on his long fur. "Your fur is so fuzzy". Annie complimented. "At least you don't care about the honey smell". Pina said relieved. "Do I look like a bear to you"? Annie asked. "No you aren't smelling my body and trying to get a taste". Pina replied. "Your lucky Riz isn't here to smell you". Annie pointed out if Riz smelled him he'll think Pina is a honeycombsicle or something. "That's true the smell of the shampoo and conditioner made him crazy lol". Pina said thinking about how much that bear loves honey. "I wouldn't mess with a bears honey because they love that stuff like crazy". Annie said about witnessing how bears are like when someone takes their honey". "One time at my old school, a mean kid took some bear dudes honey and he beat the shit out of that asshole". Annie told Pina about why she don't like to piss bears off. "Damn that kid must of learned his lesson after that". Pina commented being frightened by the story. "Same thing happened but they were girls and the mean girl was also beaten for stealing her honey, and don't fuck with bears or you will see a side of them that you don't like". Annie said. "The second one must have been worse". Pina said. "Yup it was", Annie told him honestly. "By the way are you still on her heat cycle"? Pina asked. "I'm not feeling anything right now". Annie replied. "I hope it's over or I'll have to give Riz a phone call". Pina said as he thinks that the grizzly bear should be fixing her heat cycle instead of him. If Riz didn't gave into his instincts and ate the alpaca boy, then he'd be here dealing with the white tigress' heat cycle. "Good since his little scheme got me into this". Annie said. "Then if I keep getting like this then I'd have to get myself on birth control". Annie said out of fear. "Hey wait until your ready and don't let any of these assholes pressure you into something you don't want to do". Pina reassured the tigress that she shouldn't freak out about herself going into heat. "Thanks Pina your a good friend". Annie complimented the ram. "Your welcome", Pina said. For the rest of the night they cuddled and Pina made sure that his horns don't get in the way.

    A few days later, Annie's heat cycle goes away. "That's a relief also I was just about to call Riz to come fuck you if it was that bad". Pina said. They were lucky they said that in private or someone might hear them. "Whaaaaattt"?!?!? Annie yelled but not enough for everyone to hear her. "I thought I'd let him focus on himself since he's been out of jail for some time now". Annie said. "Well I know you 2 have been looking at each other for the entire time you visit him". Pina went on and gave his 2 cents. "I thought I'd just get to know him and take it slow instead of rushing it and getting myself fucked over". Annie said expressing her opinion. "Well better than jumping the gun". Pina said. "Wonder if he would show up if I did that lol". Pina thought to himself how Riz would react and told him to go fuck the female tiger. But he was too busy thinking of his own joke to care. Annie shrugged it off at this point because she'd regret it if she asked what was going on in that ram's head. "Pina sometimes I worry about you". Annie said as to why the ram is the way he is. Instead of trying to get something out of him, she just lays down and goes to sleep after she changes and brushes her teeth. Pina brought his sleep wear over and spends the night in Annie's dorm because he was too tired to go back to his dorm. The ram slept in the white tigress' bed as they slept the night away.

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