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He's right. I know he's right. I can't keep him imprisoned anywhere for long. The fact remained, we are immortal. Youin, Calder and I. So there is no escaping. Eventually...he'll find me. And he will punish me for the insolence I showed today.


What can I do? I want him. I want him so badly. He's terrible. He's like bad rum. You keep drinking it trying to figure out what's wrong and by the time you realize it's hurting you...you're too drunk to care.

I love him. I loved him. I don't know what to do. What to say. He'll be free. Now that he's seen me, now that he's angry at me, he'll free himself and come after me.

I close my eyes, leaning against the pillar of the palace. The Alanteans are scarce, even for their large palace. It's good.

At least...the bloodshed will be minimal when he's unleashed. Why did I have to get tangled up with that damn devil? There's a sour taste in my mouth. He says he loves me...but he won't stop for me. He won't listen to me. I can't budge him. So what's the point of his love?

And yet...I close my eyes and feel his strong hands on my face. Holding me gently. Caressing my cheek. His calls to return to how things were.

I can see us, on the deck of the Demise, his arms around my waist, as he complains about my drinking. The only issue is...I can't see my son there. I can't see Youin allowing anyone else to have any part of my love. How can I protect my child against one of the strongest gods?

I scoff. Of course. He's a man. Why would he understand? Fuck.


I go back to him. He glanced up at me, those bright lavender eyes gleaming with new purpose.

His lips turn up with a grin. "My love. What a swift return."

I clench my jaw. His deep, smooth voice rolls over me like the tide.

"You love me?"

Youin narrows his eyes and smirks. "Of course I do," he lulls gently, extending his large hand. "Mine."

I edge closer. "Then...will you listen to me? Will you...leave your wrath, water god?"

His eyes flash, as I settle my cheek into his hand. It's been so long since he's held me. I've been alone. Birthing his son. Taking care of him, the Demise. Little by little everything else I had, fell away. I've been...lonely. How pathetic.

His hand is warm. His thumb strokes my cheek gently.

"Oh...my precious little worshiper. Is this your devout prayer to me?" He coos, amused, as always.

This god has never once despaired has he? He did not worry for his life, did he? He knows. His purpose in this universe is clear and defined. He is...God. And I am nothing but a woman he picked up one day. I don't have the power to safeguard anything right now.

"I swore my devotion to you long ago," I whisper, looking up into his unending eyes. How is he still perfect, even having been here for so long? He's as perfect as ever. The darkness shades his features, but his eyes shine like diamonds against it. "What will it take...I have taken in a child. I love him as my own."

Youin hums, lifting my face to his. How does he have the power when he's behind bars?

"Love," he echoes. "Who do you dare to love with a heart I own?"

I swallow roughly. "He is but a child. Not even 10 years. I have painstakingly raised him. And I worry if I release you...you will do him harm."

Youin's eyes rake over my features. I'm not sure if Calder being his will be an advantage. He seems to have a disdain for those who claim to be his children. It's better...I'm sure this way. I'll have to hide Calder's power. His soul. I don't know how I'll do it.

He lifts my face, our lips coming close. "And that is who you are afraid I will kill?"

I nod gently. "Will you spare him? Or will you force me to run from you?"

Youin smiles and chuckles. "Run from me? To where? Where is safe from me, Moria?"

My eyes open at the sound of my name. Fear chills down to my bones. His eyes glow coldly, his grip tightening, his smile falling. He's gone, I think. The man I made. I made a man out of this monster once and just barely. But it's gone. Years in captivity seem to have reverted him to his natural state. He is...a cruel god. Even more than before.

"You dare...bargain with me, human?"

I swallow roughly. "Do you love me?" I whisper shakily.

His eyes dart between my own. "Yes. Yes, I do."

"Then why do you keep hurting me?" I whisper.

He ponders for a moment. "Because I am your god. And it is within my rights to do so." He responds evenly.

I close my eyes. "It will take time for you to be released if leave you here."

He narrows his eyes. "So it will."

I lick my lips. "It seems I cannot convince you, to spare us."

He says nothing.

"Then...when you do come out, you will use your might against us. And though...you may to come regret it the damage will done."

"Regret," he says chillingly, as if the word were foreign.

I smile ruefully. "So then...it seems I only have one option."

He smirks. "And what is that, Mine?"

I pull back, closing my eyes, escaping his hold. "I'll just have to go. By the time you are released from here, I will have found a way to end us both."

Youin chuckles. "You can't kill me—"

"Not you. I know I can't kill you. Can't beat you either. Can't escape you. But the balance always provides. I think me and my boy...will only escape you in death. So I'm going to find a way for us to die."

His eyes widen, flash deep blue. "What? Moria get back here! Don't you dare! Do you hear me! I am your god, Captain Moria, you will not disobey me!" He shouts, his decree echoing, thundering throughout the room. And even without his power, I fall to my knees, against his divine decree.

He heaves a heavy sigh, a hair out of place. "Good..."

I put one knee in front of the other, crawling toward the door.

"Moria! You insolent brat! You are my wife! Don't you dare try to escape to the clutches of death! Moria! Stop! I command you!"

Every decree he makes, weighs my body down. But I must keep moving, and with the blessing he bestowed on me, I can, just barely.

"Why are you doing this?" He roars.

I close my eyes and tell the truth. "You make me too do much, Youin. Spread my legs when you'd demand it, keep my pride, but never show it, be the captain but let you call the shots, love you, but not expect you to change...you make me do too much. You want me to care for your needs and make you aware of them. Mother you but no one else. And I can't take it."

The suffocating might of his power dissipates. I stand on my own two feet. 

"I want to love you. But your love is a self sacrificing act of worship. So that you never lift your finger in wrath. And worse, you know it."

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