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My crew has all left me. Sully passed. It was time for the old bastard so I wasn't too sad. Hal left and got married, settling on land. All that remained at the end was the Demise itself. It, however is it a blessed vessel. The crew I have now are good, but I have no true attachment to them.

His voice echoed in my mind. Atlantis. The only question...where the fuck is Atlantis? Why did he tell me to go into water just to be silent? Something is wrong. But what could ever subdue Youin?

Florence. Trapped.

He's trapped in Florence? I thought he was in Alantis. I'll have to check both. I touch my sword and then my son who swims about, chasing after fish.

"What is this Mom? A miracle?"

"I have to head into battle, I think." I pull him into my arms, swimming toward the surface. I can't take him with me. I don't trust anyone with my son, but he is immortal. I'll go get his father and everything will be fine.

"...Battle? So we're going back to the ship," he smiles.

I nod, water piling under me pushing us up to the ship. I set him down on the deck as his face falls those lavender eyes filling with instant tears. "Mommy?"

"Mom will be back soon," I take off my hat, putting it on his head, lifting his face. "Stay docked here until I return. You're the acting captain, okay Calder?"

His small hands touch the edge of the hat. "Yes...Mommy."

"Mom will come back soon. Be safe. If things get bad, and someone tries to hurt you, jump into the sea and call for me. I'll come for you, alright?" I kiss his head.

It's pathetic of me isn't it? Leaving my child to go searching for this man who just clearly abandoned me. No...not man. God. It makes it worse. What expectation should I have a god? What loyalty can I demand of him? So maybe he gave me attention for a while...maybe he just got tired of me.

I should just give up, and continue my life. I'm captain Moira I don't get stuck on shit like this. But somehow, I have it in my mind that he's supposed to be near me. That were meant to be together. It's foolish.

I have responsibilities now, and chasing after some pipe dream...isn't it pitiful? I miss my lover so I leave my child on a floating death trap. What kind of mother am I?! Certainly not good one. Gods...why did he forsake me. Why do I care?

Be good to me that's what I've begged of him since I met him. Be good to me please. And he...he doesn't seem to know the meaning of the word. He is God. Whatever he seems good will be. But...I've somehow come to like the way he opens me and nourishes himself on all that I am.

Maybe that's sick.
Maybe I'm sick.

Maybe I'll never be well. Perhaps it's my mothers will. She spent her life pining after my father. I wanted to be better.

I glance back at my son, who stands all alone. His small hand waves as he watches me sink further and further down until I'm out of his sight. I wish I had chosen better for him. Not that Youin would've ever let him live if he belonged to another.

I should've done better for him. I would pray for him but who to? Fuck.

The water is cold, swaddling me, as I try to keep my eyes on him as long as I can in vain.

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