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I did not leave. Instead, he lays curled up on my lap, my feet submerged in water as I refresh myself. He glows. When the waves threaten to wash him away, though he is also a god of water, and immortal, my hand comes up, and blocks it, so that he is not disturbed.

Slade stands next to me, but does not submerge any part of himself in me. "I never see you near water," I remark.

Slade raises his brows. "I'm...not the biggest fan of being wet. No offense."

"None taken," I chuckle. I wonder why I am happy, and the younger part of me is so miserable. Perhaps because I become more and he became less. "I...feel some camaraderie with you, God of War."

Slade looks over at me. "It's because we're friends."

I mouth the word. Friends. I have friends. A child. A wife. Such weakness and yet...I find myself feeling this begrudging envy toward Youin.

"What did you encounter in the Mermaid's Cove that has made this mark on your soul, Youin?" Slade asks softly, looking over at him.

I don't speak for a moment. "When she first saw me again...there was this...distance. At first, I didn't care—me, the old Youin."

Slade raises his brows but nods his assent to the subject change. It wasn't a question.

"Her eyes seemed distant and cold. She smiled and called me by name, but I could tell—even I could tell—it wasn't the same."

I purse my lips. "She doesn't use anything of mine. She no longer weeps in front of me, or shows weakness. She doesn't trust me anymore."

"Why do you think that is?"

I shrug. Perhaps the other me would know. He seems the type to pay attention to those sorts of things.

Slade looks out at the sea. "Do you know what I find so pitiable about the whole situation? You and your captain?"

I raise my brows. "What's that?"

He smile softly. "You have done it all for nothing, as it stands."

Something inside me drops. I look over at him.

"You could not treat her properly, and yet you have destroyed and betrayed yourself. And in the end what has become of you? Attempting to love a woman, like a god instead of a man. And what have you gained? Regret."

Slade meets my eyes. His flame red. "You brought this child about to trap her but could not experience it. You sought to find those who harmed her, without first undoing the damage you made, and now she does not trust you."

My eye twitches.

"You speak of your creatures and what their void sorcery has to done to you, but your own choices have harmed you far more than they ever did."

"Mine? Or his?" I grit.

Slade sighs. "In fact yours. You are the one who met her first are you not? The you I have come to know...the you that she is with now, is the man she drew out of you. So then, Youin...what will you do now?"

It is a good question. I cannot rejoin Youin as of yet.

"Is there a suggestion aside from the judgement, or am I to be satisfied with the latter?" I narrow my eyes.

His lips turn up. "Indeed there is. Bring the child back. You will not defeat enemies in this state. Your house and your soul is divided. A house divided against itself will not stand."

He puts his hand on my shoulder. "You must first resolve the conflict in your heart. Then tend to the wounds on your soul. From there, external issues become easier to handle."

I swallow. "I am older than you. Why do you sound wiser than me?"

"You are older than me, Youin. But you have not lived."

Moria said something to that effect once, I seem to recall. She said I was old but had not experienced life.

"I did not ask for your lecture, God of War." I grunt.

He simply chuckles, his laughter sending birds a flight. My son stirs, turns over but does not wake.

"I know you did not. But we are friends. And friends give you what you need, not always what you ask for."

Is he the god of war or the god of annoying sayings? I roll my eyes. "Your wife..."

Slade chuckles, his laughter echoing sending birds scattering. "We so often speak of my little beauty. What of her?"

"You once said to me she was like the sun?"

Slade smiles softly. I wonder if I make that face when I think about Moria. If he does?

"Yes. Warm, and nourishing. Soothing. The source of life. Something every being needs. Something that makes life worth living and each day bright."


"And what of your Captain?"

"If your wife is like the sun, Mine is like a blue flame. She never goes out. She burns brightly, intensely. She is too powerful to look away from, though she is not what you would expect. She is always more. A flame so eye catching and confounding, even a god of water cannot ignore it or dare hate it."

Slade nods. "I think you've got it Youin."

I look over at him as he turns around shrinking into his mortal form. "See you around. If you're not taking him with you, be sure to tuck him in before you leave."

I look down at the sleeping child.

Tuck him into what? The child stirs once more, sitting up. He stretches his small limbs, his gills opening and shutting groggily.

"Mommy?" He looks around before looking up at me. I expect some panic. Some fear.

I am in a frightening form, after all. But he blinks blearily.

"Are we going to her now?"

I contemplate a little longer. "I still feel...sick. The God of War is healthy and can keep you safe."

He frowns. His hair is long, longer than when his mother left with me. She must have been cutting his hair often. It now pools at his feet, as he trips over it, falling down and sighing.

"I'm pretty strong, yknow. In the Captain of the Demise, most fearsome ship these waters ever saw!"

I raise my brow. "You are quite small to be captaining anything."

He frowns deeply, but for some reason it makes me feel...amused. His face is somewhat endearing although it resembles mine so strongly.

"I am not small. I am a growing god!" He stomps his foot in my hand. I barely feel it. How amusing!

I push him over with the tip of my finger, gently until he falls flat in the palm of my hand.

He pushes my finger away. "Don't bully me! I'll tell my momma!"

I smirk. "Your mother is also a fan of being mean to me. Are you sure she would mind?" I poke him once more.

He kicks at my finger relentlessly though it's clearly tiring him out. I laugh a little.

"Uncle Slade!" He whines. "I'm telling! You're so! Ooh! My momma would slay you if she was here!" He vows.

"Do not call that war bastard here. I am your father, I can poke you," I poke him to illustrate. He clings to my finger.

Oh. That's somewhat...light. Airy. Ticklish...cute. I think. He really is so small. He holds my finger biting all over. I am not sure why I prefer beings like this to nice ones.

Something about something so small and helpless being so temperamental strangely amuses me. Like his mother. Her temper, her violence, and ruthlessness are so amusing to me.

"Biting me will not help you. I will shake you into the sea if you continue." I warn him.

He sighs and plops down. "Will I ever get this big?"
"I have no clue."
"Will I control seas also? And have my own ship?"
"There is no way for me to know."
"Will I be able to fly or live forever?"
"I am quite unsure of those answers."
"...a bit useless for a god, aren't ya?"
I chuckle. "Perhaps so."

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