Love Letter

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When I look into your oh so beautiful brown eyes, my heart swells with wishes of what our children would look like. Would they have your smile that shines when the sun dares to look at you? Would their nose appear to be carved by Chaac just like yours? Would they have your laugh and your sweet and kind heart? My queen. My Goddess. My sun. I do not know what they will look like, but even if there's a grain of sand in them that looks like you, the world will remember for generations the reasons I loved you.

Your kisses have been marked in history books as the weapon that has vanquished and brought a God to his knees. When our bodies touch by our mere lips, then I remember how beautiful and simple life can be, for your mere touch brings love to what was once without love.

Your voice calls me lord, king, K'uk'ulkan. Your voice has cried Namor with dread. Your voice has even sang Chah Toh Almehen as if it was a beautiful song. Your voice is soft and delicate like morning dew drenches even the Sahara. Your voice dripping in kindness softens the Himalayas and melts glaciers beyond imagination. Your encouraging words enriched with love softens the harshest of hearts, like my own.

You are bright, my Shuri. My Queen. Your mind is a world outside of my imagination; a different dimension away from all that I know. I worship you, my sun-eyed Goddess. I, the feathered serpent God bends my knees to you, my equal who deserves more than what my humble hands can provide. The riches of this world cannot contain all the precious stones your crown should hold. No jades, gold, and diamonds are enough to place above your head.

The skies and the oceans are my world; my domain. Between you and the expansion of blues, there's no difference, my love, for when I am with you, you're my world.

I love you.


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