Chapter one

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Devyn watched as the Duke quarterback was throwing the football around in between classes. She studied the man as he threw
the ball with some of his teammates.

"You're starting at him again." He said which made the college senior whip her head to her friend.

"Im not." Devyn replied, "I simply gazed over in a direction and he was there."

"Then what was that look on your face?" Her friend asked the senior.

"What?" She asked, "What look?"

"A certain way when you see him," He informed her, "You look at him like he put the stars in the sky."

"And?" she asked.

"We all know you love stars." He smirked at his friend as Devyn put her things back in her book bag.

"Why don't you guys just make it public? All of your close friends know that you two are a couple." Jonny said to the woman.

"We've been keeping it a secret for the past 4 years, Jon. We don't want our relationship to cost us our positions with the football team." Devyn told her friend as she looked toward the man who was already looking her way. He raised his eyebrow and sent her a smile, which she returned.

"Aren't you jealous at all?" Jonny asked as Devyn threw her book bag on her back as the two began to walk.

"Of what?" she asked.

"Well of every girl that hits on Daniel? He's the Duke quarterback, Devyn, every girl wants him." Jonny explained to the woman who just smiled knowing that Daniel was her man.

"Nah. Daniel would never cheat on me and every girl on campus can try but no one is lucky enough," Devyn told her best friend.

"Everyone except you. You're the lucky one."

Devyn smiled at her friend's comment. Daniel and her meet at the college orientation, and they hit it off right away. After a week of talking Daniel asked her out for dinner and the rest is history.

Now four years later they are still crazy for each other. The small group of people that did know they were together thought that they would be the couple to get married right after college. And little did Devyn know Daniel had already bought an engagement ring.

After school, Devyn headed home. There was supposed be practice but it ended up getting canceled. She stirred the soup mixing in the spices she just had added in. The door unlocked and a sweaty man walked through with a book bag on his left shoulder.

"Hey, beautiful." Daniel smiled at the sight of his girlfriend.

"Hey." Devyn smiled at her boyfriend. He put his bag on the table and walked over to the woman who was standing at the stove.

Daniel and Devyn share an apartment off campus. They've been living together for about 3 years now and the two loved it.

"Whatcha making?" Daniel asked the woman as he hugged her from behind.

"Well, I figured a cold night required your favorite soup. So it's a broccoli cheddar kinda night." Devyn said turning her head to look at the quarterback.

"Have I told you how amazing you are?" Daniel asked before kissing Devyn's neck.

"Once or twice," she said with a chuckle. "How was the gym?"

"It was good, just did some light stuff. Gotta stay ready for the game on Saturday." Daniel told the woman who he was still holding close. Daniel really couldn't imagine what life would be like without her by his side.

"You'll be ready. I can't believe the season is almost over and we'll be graduating before we know it." Devyn said finishing up the soup.

"Don't remind me. It's gone by so fast." the quarterback said. "Im gonna take a quick shower. I love you."

"Good, because you stink," Devyn said chuckling.

"But you love me," Daniel said backing up from the woman.

"Yes, yes I do, Daniel Jones," Devyn said smiling at the man.

Daniel sent her a smile before walking off to their bedroom, Devyn stood finishing the soup with a smile on her face. She was madly in love with the Duke quarterback.

Devyn looked at Daniel as he held her close, the tv screen flashing as the scene changed. She smiled softly as she thought about the past four years the two have shared.

"What's got you so smiley?" Daniel asked noticing that the woman was smiling.

"I'm just thinking," Devyn said as Daniel moved to his side.

"About?" He asked.

"You're so easy to fall in love with. I keep falling more for you each day which I didn't know was possible. You are so incredible. You have such an amazing soul and a heart made out of gold." Devyn explained to the man, "You are my favorite person, and I'm so crazy in love with you. Life wouldn't have been the same if you didn't overthrow that football at orientation. You are my safe place, you will always be my home." Devyn said smiling at the quarterback.

"I never told anyone but I purposely overthrow that football," Daniel told the woman who had a surprised look on her face.

"What?" She asked.

"I saw you walking closer and I thought you were the most beautiful girl I've ever seen," Daniel explained, "So as you walked closer I overthrew the ball which you caught perfectly."

"Daniel Jones! Here I thought you just threw a bad ball." She said as the man smirked.

"I never throw a bad ball, Doball," Daniel said to the woman making her chuckle.

"Whatever you say, Jones," Devyn said smiling at the man before he pulled her close.

"I love you, Devy. One day I'm gonna make you my wife." Daniel whispered into the woman's ear.

"I love you too. I can't wait to see what our future looks like." Devyn said.

"Well, hopefully, I'll be playing professional football and you'll be teaching. We'll have some cute kids and have a big house for our family." Daniel said making the woman smile.

"You'll be playing professionally, Daniel. You are so good at what you do. And as for the kids, we could start trying now." Replied Devyn with a smirk.

"Sounds like a plan to me," Daniel said before leaning forwards and kissing the woman.

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