Chapter Three

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It's been a couple of days and Daniel and Devyn still haven't talked much. Daniel would come home later at night and Devyn would be fast asleep. The two couldn't seem to get over their argument. Devyn tried talking to him about it but he didn't seem too interested in talking.

It was the day before graduation and Devyn was busy packing all her things to move to LA for her new position with the Rams. She would drive out a couple of hours after graduating.

Daniel and Devyn had a long talk and they still loved each other and wanted to make a long-distance relationship work. Devyn was happy that after all their arguing that they made up. It has been a couple of bumpy months for the two but they came out on the other side.

Daniel stared at the engagement ring he had gotten for Devy, he knew what he had to do. He loved her so much but maybe it would be better this way.

He sighed and put the ring in his book bag and zipped it up. He open his car door and climbed out locking the door behind them. He wasn't sure what he was gonna say he thought about it as he made his way up to the apartment they shared.

He took a deep breath before opening the door when he did, Devyn had just walked out of their bedroom with a box. She smiled noticing he was back.

"I didn't realize how much crap I have. It's crazy, I'm moving four years of things out of here." Devyn said putting the box down on another one.

"Devyn, I need to talk to you," Daniel said to the woman as he sat down on the couch.

"What's up, babe?" Devyn asked confused.

Daniel's brown eyes didn't have the normal sparkle they usually had, it was missing and Devyn noticed immediately. He looked down to figure out what to say.

"I think we should break up," he said as his voice cracked.

"What?" Devyn asked confused about where this was coming from.

"Unfortunately our path has led us to a dead end. And it means that we have to separate and walk different roads." Daniel said as Devyn's eyes welled up with tears.

"I thought- we just talked about how we would work long distance. How we would visit each other. Why are you going this Daniel?" Devyn asked.

"Because I don't want to stand in your way. You have a wonderful chance, so take it, take it while you have the chance. It's better this way, Devy."

"Yeah, maybe it is," Devyn said wiping her tears away. She couldn't believe that this was happening.

"I'm sorry, Devyn," Daniel said noticing he was torn up.

"Me too."

"Im gonna stay at a friend's place tonight, ill be back tomorrow after graduation to pack my things," Daniel said standing up and leaving her still sitting down.

"I am that easy to let go?" Devyn asked as a tear slipped down her cheek.

"No. This is the hardest thing I've ever had to do." Daniel said looking down and avoiding eye contact.

"Then why are you doing it?" She asked.

"I wish you all the best," Daniel said to the woman.

"Same for you, Daniel." Devyn tried to smile but failed.

He gave her a nod and walked back out the door leaving her there alone.

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