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I had a missed the scent of the outer banks. the salt water, the fresh home grown fruit. all of it. every time I had visited to see my cousin and my friends, the pogues. it always felt like my second home. but now it's my home, for good. My parents are divorcing and I couldn't stand the constant arguing so I reached out to my cousin Pope, and his parents/my aunt and uncle agreed to take me on. They had always loved my company when I visited, so I'm glad that I still feel loved even if I'm not with my parents.

I had just woken up from my first night back at the château. We had a rather big night on my first night back. got a little bit drunk, mucked around, went to the beach typical Pogue stuff. And weirdly Sarah Cameron is now part of the pogues. I already guessed that John B had a thing for her from the last time I was here. Now they're dating. Finally. Sarah's cool, she's great company so I'm not complaining. Kinda curious on what happened to the whole stay away from kooks rule but anyways.

"Time to wake up my fellow amigos" JJ shouts making my head pound more than it already was.

As usual I sleep on the couch, at the chateau. kind of inconvenient tho, considering JJ is always the first one up, and the loudest I might add.

"What about the sleep-in I got promised after shotgunning one too many drinks" I say

"You lost to a bet, no one promised you anything" John B says throwing me a bottle of water whilst laughing.

"I'm jet lagged leave me alone" I whine, pulling a blanket over my head

"No excuses Laura get up" JJ says pulling the blanket off me

"Ok, I'm up, I'm up" I say sitting up and opening the water

"Plans for today?" Asks kie, walking in from the room she was sleeping in.

"I have a few errands to run I dunno about y'all but Sarah and I have gotta scram, we'll be back in a bit" John B says

"Alright catch ya later JB n Sarah" I say as everyone waves to him and Sarah as they leave

I go into the other room to get changed, just a simple pair of denim jeans and a cute lil crop top will do for today.

"Imma go do some exploring of the island, I'll see yous soon" I say

"Stay safe" pope says as I walk out the door

"Always am" I shout back

I've always loved going around the island and doing my own thing by myself. sometimes I just need it. Me time is always good. What I also love is that for Christmas last year my parents got me a motorbike to keep at the Château so obviously whenever I wasn't here JJ or John B would keep it up and running for me. and now that I'm here for good I finally get to use it all the time.

I get on my bike and go for a ride to the wreck to get something quick to eat.

"Well well well, look who's backkkkk" mrs carrera exclaims embracing me in a hug.

"Back for good this time" I say smiling

"Well it's good to see you happy n back here, your mother reached out to n told me you were coming. So good to see you dear" she says

"Yeah you too mrs carrera" I say getting my order to go

I walk over to my favourite spot on the pier. It hasn't changed. the smell is still the same and everything I really missed this and I'm so glad I'm here.

I finish my food and get ready to get on my bike until I get a text message. It's from Sarah.

The message read:
Sarah: hey, did you wanna stay at mine tonight? Girls night, just me and u?

Laura: sure, I'm down. Want me to bring anything?

Sarah: nope, got everything sorted, just bring yourself xx

Laura: be there soon x

Since I've been back, even for the last two days Sarah and I have gotten really close and I'm looking forward to getting closer with her. the sleepover will hopefully help.

I parked my bike out the front of Sarah's house. I have been here once when I helped John B do a bit of work on their boat when I last stayed here just to make a little bit of extra money.

I went to walk inside until I hear another bike pull up behind me it was Rafe. Sarah's older brother.

I have never really spoken to rafe before, only a few times here n there when I worked w JB. but I've heard stories of him causing my cousin and his friends trouble. But at this point in time I wasn't thinking about that. I was admiring him as he got off his bike. His parted hair, blue eyes.

"Look who's back" he says walking over with a smug smirk on his face

"You're the third person who's said that to me today" I say rolling my eyes

"What's with the attitude Laura?" He says smirking again

"Well rafe, I'll have you know that my attitude is the only type of attention you'll ever be getting from me" I smile turning around and walking into the front door.

All my experiences with him have ever been small talk. I wonder what's different this time. maybe it's because I'm not working for his dad, or maybe it's because I'm a Pogue. Who the hell knows. It's rafe cameron for god sake.

Before I can walk inside he stops me, calling my name.


"Yes?" I say just wanting to go inside to my Sarah

"Tell my sister that I'll be having a party at the house tonight. So you two are automatically invited but just give her the heads up that yous won't be able to have a pamper night tonight. If that's what you girls get up to these days" he says

"Yes sir" I say rolling my eyes and finally walking through the front door.

A party. Great.

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