2 | kook central

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"A party?" Sarah says with a smirk on her face

"Yes, a party" I smile

"Well, what are we waiting for let's get ready" she says

The only problem about a party at the Cameron house is that there's gonna be no pogues, just kooks, which means I'm going to be the only pogue. I guess I'll just stick with Sarah.

By the time we were ready people had already started arriving one after the other, kook by kook. And before you know it, the place was full. Sarah and I headed downstairs and got ourselves something to drink.

"Ohhh boy" Sarah says

"What, what is it?" I ask

"Toppers here" she says

"Just don't go near him and you'll be fine" I say. But it was too late, topper had made his way over to us.

"Hey Sarah, how've you been?" He asks looking at me then back to Sarah

"I'm gonna get another drink" I say walking away, Sarah looked fine, she gave me the nod of approval. I wouldn't have left her otherwise.

I walk over to the fridge and hear a voice behind me.

"You look good, well for a pogue at a kook party at least"

I turn around

"What are you doing here anyways pogue?" It was Kelce

"What do you want kelce?" I roll my eyes and turn back around to get myself a drink from the fridge

"I'm curious as to why the hell you're here. pogue" he says

I slam the fridge shut with anger, and see rafe walk over.

"I invited her kelce, so leave the girl alone" rafe says standing next to me

"Alright man, my bad, my bad" kelce says putting his hands up in surrender and walking away.

"Thanks" I say giving rafe a genuine smile

"Don't stress" he says

A while went by and rafe introduced me to people, we sat and talked, we played beer pong, and you know. drunk a fair bit.

"Wanna do something fun?" He asks

"Uhhh, yeah why the hell not" I smile

Rafe grabs my hand and leads me over to a table where there are people doing lines of coke.

I've done coke a few times. It was pretty good. From what I can remember at least.

"You done this before?" Rafe asks

"Of course" I say sitting down next to some random girl

A few lines later rafe and I walk around and continue to talk to people. Sarah and topper came over to join us and then I grab Sarah and we walk off to do our thing.

"How's your night been, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to leave you alone with topper for that long I got carried away with rafe" I say as we walk out onto the porch where it's quiet.

"Dude don't stress, I left topper like 5 mins after you left and went over and talked to a few of my friends that I haven't seen since I became a 'pogue'" she says

"Oh thank god for that I was worried" I sigh in relief

"I'm so drunk right now man" Sarah says giggling

We laugh and laugh for a solid 10 minutes until we hear a smash of something from downstairs, then yelling. Sarah and I look at each other and run downstairs. There was a fight. A fight between rafe and kelce.

"Oh my god" Sarah says putting a hand over her mouth

I stand there in disbelieve watching the fight. Rafe was on top of kelce punching him.

"rafe" I say

He ignores me and keeps punching kelce

"Rafe that's enough!" I shout and I run over and pull rafe off of kelce.

"Rafe?" I say

He stands there with anger in his eyes. Staring at nothing in particular. Kelce stands up. And people surround him and start talking again. The party goes loud and the music continues playing.

"Hey, what the hell was that huh?" I ask rafe following him out the front door

He ignores me again.

"Hey I'm talking to you!" I shout

"Nothing! It was nothing alright!" Rafe shouts, frightening me a little

I stand there and stare at him

"I'm sorry, look kelce was talking smack and I put a stop to it alright" he says walking over to me

All I do is nod.

"Laura, talk to me" he says

"What was he talking smack' about rafe?" I ask

"You. How you're a pogue, and how you shouldn't be here, and how you're 'hot' for a pogue" he says

"And other people can't call me 'hot' why?" I ask

"Just leave it alone Laura" rafe says walking off and getting on his bike

"Rafe!" I shout. But it was too late. He had ridden off into the dark.

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