4 | sunsets and marijuana

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We finally arrived at the beach after about an hour of just riding around. We find a good spot to sit and look out at the water.

"You like it here?" He asks breaking the silence

"Always have. I missed it so much" I smile to myself, at the thought of being hack here.

"I can tell. You know, even for a pogue, you fit in here really well. You always have" he says

"Rafe?" I ask

"What's up" he says

"Can I ask you something?" I ask

"Yeah anything"

"Last night... you rode off after I asked you something. At the party. You were all mad, and you, I dunno you seemed stressed, worried, like you were like really, really mad" i say

"Yeah i remember" he says

"Can I ask why?" I ask

"Well kook or pogue a girl is a girl, and no girl should have been spoken about in such a disgusting way, especially outta kelces mouth" he says

"Oh well. You seemed more mad than disgusted" I say

"Yeah I know"

"Can you explain that to me?" I say

"Well, believe it or not some part of me has grown to have a soft spot for you. So. Yeah" he says

I smile to myself

"Yeah okay" I say hitting my joint

"Why do you ask?" He says

"Just curiosity" I sigh

"Yeah well, pogue or kook, I think you're pretty cool" he smiles at me

"I think that's the weed talking now" I laugh getting up

"No not even, wait where are you going?" He asks

"SWIMMING" I shout taking off my shirt and jeans, leaving me in my black bikini

I catch rafe staring at me

"You're staring Cameron" I smirk

"Am not" he smiles getting up

"bye" I shout running down the beach and into the water

5 seconds later I hear a splash behind me. Rafe had joined me in the water.

We muck around, splash each other and body surf. But now. I was severely stoned, in my own world laying in the water looking up at the moving clouds.

"These clouds are weird" I giggle

"Laura are you good?" Rafe says laughing

"Yup, I'm fine" I say standing up in the water

Rafe walks over to me, his body practically touching mine. We stare at each other.

"Laura" rafe says

"Yes?" I ask

He grabs me by my waist and lifts my chin up so I'm looking at him. I wrap my hands around his neck

"Your eyes" he smiles

"Rafe you're high" I say

"So are you" he laughs

I catch him glancing at my lips. And without question I pull him in and kiss him. He kisses back.

We pull away.

"I uh- I better go, Pope will kill me if I'm late" I say awkwardly standing in the water

"Um no yeah let me walk you to your bike" he says scratching the back of his neck

"One more joint before we go?" I ask smiling

"Fuck it why not" he says

After our final joint, we get dry, get dressed and he walks me back to where our bikes were parked.

"Well, I guess I'll see you around" i say 

"Yeah, hey thanks for today, meant a lot" he says

"Yeah of course" I say getting on my bike

"Bye Laura"

"Bye rafe"

And without looking back I ride off. Lovestruck. And above all, confused. Why'd he Kiss me back? Maybe it was the weed in our systems. Or was I really catching feelings for rafe cameron? Who knows.

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