Chapter 6

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"What are you talking about? We aren't just going to stop seeing each other." Neteyam was flabbergasted by this request.

Her voice started quivering for reasons she didn't understand. How long had she known this boy, a few weeks? "I like you, Neteyam. If you have to-- want to-- pick someone else to be your Tsahik, that's fine-"

"Maybe you will be my Tsahik," he blurted. She had no idea how incredibly vulnerable he was being. He was asking her to be with him. He was proposing her to be his mate.

Though, she never in a million years thought he could be being serious. He was obviously grasping at threads. "Be realistic, Neteyam. Your family would sooner arrange my murder."

His chest ached at what he interpreted as her rejecting him. But he cared too much for her, enjoyed her presence too much, to let her slip away. If she would not accept his offer of forever, he could settle on having her just for now.

"Please, Leyra." He grasped her hands in his. "Even if you will not be my Tsahik, we still have a year. Please, please, don't give up the time we do have."

She didn't like hearing him so desperate. "Neteyam-"

"No, no, wait. I have something for you." He tried to distract her, to remind her of all the good parts of him and not of his obligations. He pulled the gift out of the small pouch in his loincloth.

Leyra made the mental connection as he slipped the bracelet on her wrist, her eyes flitting to his necklace. Just as she suspected, it was missing a row of beads.

She knew what a big gesture of affection this was.

"Neteyam." Her tone was serious, almost scolding. She reached out to touch his neck garment. "Why did you maim your necklace like this?"

"I wanted you to have something of claim on you. This should ward off all the other scrawny loser boys for a while."

She rolled her eyes. "Right, because I have masses of guys chasing after me at all times."

Eyebrows furrowing, he commented, "You should. If only they knew what they were missing! Actually, wait, no. Never mind. I prefer things the way they are; no competition."

She sighed, contemplating his earlier request to try to cherish their remaining time. After a pause that seemed to stretch on forever for Neteyam, she said, "How am supposed to enjoy you when I know you are not mine, hmm?"

He sighed, confused by the girl's feelings when she had just turned down his mating offer. "I don't like it either, but I don't want to lose you."

She pressed their foreheads together and Neteyam's heart faltered in its rhythm. He closed his eyes, willing the moment to last.

"Let's enjoy it while we can, right?" She relented.

"Yes." He seconded instantly, happy to hear her agreement.

And so they continued on with their afternoon, now enjoying everything more after realizing their time is limited.

They went for another ikran ride, and Neteyam took the peaceful route this time. He took them someplace he knew no one would spot them.

They didn't speak many words but communicated much based on how tightly they held on to each other.

At one point while coasting, Neteyam intertwined his fingers with Leyra's. She squeezed his hand and looked up at him to find him watching her and not where he was flying.

"Eyes on the sky, 'Teyam. If we hit something or crash land, I'll kill you." She hadn't thought twice about saying the nickname out loud when she usually only calls him that in her head.

Neteyam's ears perked up and his tail swished. He certainly thought twice about it. More than that, in fact. What did she mean by this? She had rejected his mating proposal less than an hour ago, and now she was giving him cute nicknames that made his heart swell?

"Yes, ma'am," He teased at her authoritarian request. She smiled and he was proud to be the cause.

She breathed in the crisp mountain air and leaned back into him, closing her eyes in peace. He didn't mind, and wrapped the arm that had their hands intertwined around her torso.

Soon, Neteyam knew he had to get back before people came looking for him. "I hate to disturb your pretty self, but I have to get back about now."

She sighed and opened her eyes, a frown weaving its way into her features. "Okay. Drop me off at the cave? I'd ask you to drop me off at camp, but I don't think you want us being seen together."

Neteyam's eye flinched. She was right; he had been successfully avoiding his parents finding out about him hanging around her. He wanted to cherish her while he could, before the wrath of his family fell upon them. "Yeah... Maybe that would be better."

She was heartbroken by his confirmation of her fears. He was ashamed to be hanging around with the freak. How had she ever convinced herself otherwise?

"Yeah, thanks," she managed, swallowing away the lump forming in her throat.

He dropped her at the cave entrance, kissing her forehead. His hand lingered on her cheek longer than he should have let it. She made it clear, she did not want to be his Tsahik.

She took this with pain. She wanted him more than he could ever understand, but she loved him too much to ask him to be with her. He was all she wanted but he could never be hers. Every possible odd was against them, and she didn't think he cared enough for her to try to fight against them.

She watched him fly away as eclipse approached, and her father landed above the waterfall not soon after.

"Daughter? What happened? Are you hurt?" Her father asked, circling around her and looking her over.

She didn't understand why he reacted this way. "What? No, I'm- I'm fine."

"Then why are you crying?"

What? She swiped her cheek, and sure enough, there were tears dripping down her skin. "Oh, I..."

He waited for her to continue.

"I'm fine. It's nothing, father. Let's go home?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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