Chapter 1: Our individual lives

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Steven, Spinel, and Lion were hanging out as usual. On the palm of the Obsidian statue that was held atop of the beach house. "You know Steven? We've been friends with each other for 2 years and still haven't banged yet." This made Steven spat out his protein shake. He couldn't tell if she was joking or not but knowing Spinel, it could go both ways. "We're just friends Spinel-" "Friends with benefits!" At this point, Spinel must've been trolling but that was his best friend right there, he loved her for who she is and wouldn't change a thing about her.

"Anyways, we should get going. You have school to handle and I gotta get to Little Homeschool." "Ahh! Can't we play for a little bit longer? Pleeaasseee?" While also doing those innocent puppy eyes. But, Spinel couldn't trick Steven. "We can play as much as you want once you finish school." Of course Spinel didn't want to because school was for losers but anything to hang out with Steven. Spinel took lion and teleported to school... Probably... And Steven took the warp pad and just like that, Little Homeschool.

Stevens pov:

Once as I got to Little Homeschool, everything was exactly as I expected! Everyone was taking their classes, doing their activities, and most importantly, having fun. It felt like ages ago when the Diamonds were trying to kill me but now. Everything has changed. Although I do miss going on gem adventures but nothing else beats the nice, cool, breeze here in the country side. Well, I better get to my first class to check up on. "Hmm, Ah! There we go! First class of the day, Pearls class."

I made my way to Pearls class which I could see was up ahead and decided to give a wave to them. "Hey everyone! How we doing today?" "Oh great Steven! I was just teaching the class about Human Culture." Pearl said enthusiastically. "So, what have you guys learn so far?" There was a bunch of talking between the gems and I as they tell me about Human customs, Human interest, and the Human anatomy? Either way, they were doing good. "Next class is... Amethyst!"

Amethyst was playing baseball with her class. Ngl, it looked fun but I didn't want to intervene. "Hey, how's it going Amethyst?" "Yo! Steven! Doing good!" Me and Amethyst do our usual secret handshake. "So, how is everyone doing in baseball? Any home runs?" "Nah but they have been getting better with each game though sooooo yeah!" "That's good to hear! Not lastly we have... Garnet!"

I usually like Garnets classes because they taught about taking a self-journey within yourself to better understand who you are, not only as a person, but as a individual. "Hey Garnet!" "Oh, hey Steven." "How's everyone feeling today?" "Feeling better than they were when they were corrupted. They need to learn they are no longer the monsters they used to be so meditation always help. You should do it too Steven." "Maybe with Spinel, I'll try."

Little Homeschool was more than a place of comfort or a place for relaxation. It was a home. Home to many gems who wanted to catch up with the modern world and those they lost in the gem wars. I- we came a long way. Little Homeschool is more than I can ever imagine. I'm glad everything with the Diamonds worked out. In fact, I should go check on them with Spinel. I'm sure they're doing great but it doesn't hurt to check their progress. I wonder if Spinel is done with School yet.

Spinel's pov:

"Lion, can you believe it!" "Stevens making me go to school!" Ever since I met Steven, school has become a chore for me, bleh! Can't believe I have two more years of this shit! "Ah, looks like we're here. Here ya go Lion!" I gave Lion one of those Lion Licker bars. Those things are nasty. Wouldn't he prefer a cookie cat instead? "Goodbye Lion. See you and Steven after school, alright." It was now time for hell.

-3 hours later-

It was now lunch but GOD DAMN! Felt like I was here for like an eternity! I thought the day would go by fast but nope. Seemed like god wanted me to suffer. 'Just let me and Stevie be together, god damn it!" I thought to myself as I shoved my lunch into my mouth.

"Spinel, you're looking paler than usual. You ok?" Said Connie as she sat next to me. "Oh, Connie." I wasn't in the mood for talking but Connie was my best friend. Well, beside Steven but if he doesn't play with me after school ends then he's no longer my best friend. "Oh nothing really. Just me being upset that Steven had me go to school. I would've gone anyways but with Steven saying it gets me so upset!" "At least you know Steven cares about your education." "Who needs an education when you're like me! I've already gone to space and met living rock people! School can't teach me that!" I said in frustration. Although school would set me up for life, I don't even know what I want to do. "Well, lunch is about to end as cheer up Spinel!" Said Connie as she left to go to her astrology class.

Connie has always been interested in space. And when I told her I've been in space before, it made her even more interested and she even signed up for Space Camp. As I reluctantly got up, I went ahead and went to my next period class.

-An hour 20 later-

'Last class of the day' I thought to myself. I hate math but at least I'll be able to play with Steven though since I'll have the weekend off. I went into the the classroom and took my seat. I took out my notebooks and pencil out as I knew I had to take a shit ton of notes. The lecture was boring as always but we had 20 minutes left before we got out so I had to deal with it.

-20 minutes later-

Finally! I was out of my freaking hell! I can now spend the time with Steven. As I walked out of class and went outside and saw Steven and Lion waiting for me. "Hey Spinel, how was school?" "Terrible but better with you here now, dollface." We both got on Lion and teleported to the temple. I was ready to spend my evening with Steven until he told me something. "Hey, Spinel. I know I promised to play with you but how about visiting the Diamonds for a change. Would be great to see how they're adjusting to their new lives." I thought about it for a moment then came to a conclusion. "Sure. I still get to hang out with you and meeting the Diamonds for a change would be good so I'm totally fucking in!

Third person view:

And just liked that, the two got on the warp pad and teleported to Homeworld. Now this place used to be pretty messed up but now, it was more than Steven could ever imagine. The Diamonds finally treating gems as equals. So now it was time to meet the Diamonds.

"Ready Spinel?" "I think the real question is... Are you?" Spinel starts running towards the huge palace where the Diamonds are obviously in. "Hey! Spinel wait!" And like that, it was time to meet the Diamonds.

Took me sooooo long to come up with an idea for this story so if don't become top three or five in #stevenxspinel or #stevinel ima be piss.

This is probably gonna flop but I just write for fun, not for fame so I hope you guys enjoy it. But I'll still appreciate it if y'all got me into to top three or five into either of those tags. Or both!

Thank you guys for reading this awful fanfiction and see you guys in the next chapter, see ya!

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