I hate you (y/n)

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Enjoy ~

" Hi (y/n) ! " Mina waved at her friend.

" Hello, Mina. " the girl replied.

" How was your internship ? I learned that you, Iida, Midoriya and Todoroki fought against Stain ! Thankfully, Endeavor saved you all ! " she clapped her hands.

(y/n) raised her brows.

Saved by... Endeavor ?

Shoto arrived and said :

" Yes. " his voice was laced with poison. " He saved us. "

The young model immediately understood.

Bakugo stared at (y/n) in the distance. He didn't like the fact that Shoto and her were this close.

" Hello everybody. " Shota came in. " I'm here to announce you all that you will soon your have final exams. Those exams will consist of two parts. A written part and a practical one. Those who will fail any part won't come to the training camp we're organizing. "

" A training camp ?! " " What is that ? " " It seems funny ! " chatter erupted in the classroom.

" This training camp's main goal is to improve your quirks. Now, let's go to the sports field. "

︵‿︵‿୨ ✮ ୧‿︵‿︵

As (y/n) was changing, with Mina and Momo asking her how was her internship apart from the Stain incident, the young girl suddenly declared :

" Girls, later I wanna tell you something. It's very important but a bit of a sensitive topic... I just hope it won't change your opinion on me... "

" Of course it won't, (y/n) ! You're too cute and perfect for people to think badly of you ! " reassured Mina.

This made the smaller girl warmly smile.

Cmon (y/n), you can do it ! You heard what Mina said, it won't bother them ! I hope this day'll go fast then !

" Now that you're all here, " Shota announced. " I can finally explain what you all guys are gonna do : you will face each other in 1v2 battles. "

" 1v2 battles ? That's unfair ! " Kaminari said.

" It seems co— " Mina was cut off by Shota's glare.

" Shut up and let me finish. It will ba 1v2 battles, but of course the 2 persons team will have a handicap. It can be anything, like no quirk for one of them, or the two can't hear nothing or whatever. It's up to chance. To win you have to knock out your opponent(s). Now, let's make teams. "

Team A : Sero & Hagakure

Team B : Mineta ( in your ass )

Team C : Uraraka & Yaoyorozu

Team D : Bakugo

Team E : Ojiro & Iida

Team F : Kaminari

Team G : (y/n) and Shoto

Team H : Midoriya

Team I : Sato & Mina

Team J : Koda

Team K : Tsuyu & Kirishima

Team L : Tokoyami

Team M : Shoji & Aoyama

( let's directly go to yo battle cuz I'm so lazy af )

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