Chapter 1 : Daniel!?? (revenge for Hobin)

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Hobin has recently ran out of ideas and Snapper also don't really know what to do.

Snapper: Hobin, let's ask our members if they got any ideas or the fans will start getting annoyed..

Hobin: Sure,let's call them.

(Few minutes later)

Gyeoul: Hmm.. So, what're we going to do? Fake marriage, dates, kissi-?

Hobin: Stopp, ya know Bomi don't like me doing this or she will hate me for real.

Gyeoul: No one says it's going to be you..

Hobin: What do you mean!? I'm the main character as always! You can't leave me in thatt.

Gyeoul: Fine, fine then, what will be the next videos then?

Snapper: Our subscribers are getting lesser and lesser, it's because we ran out of ideas, they said that our videos are too boring to get exited about anymore..

Hobin: ... Then let's find someone for me to fight.. Maybe?

Gaeul: I think your very stupid these days..

Hobin: What the hell do you mean!? You litterly act so weird around me these days!

Gaeul: Why are you bringing me up!? What I said was totally true! Like why hire someone to fight it's like your turning into Pakgo or something you @$$ h0le!!

Hobin: .....

Gaeul: I-I'm sorry I didn't mean that its ju-

Hobin: it's okay..

T pov: Hobin quietly left the living room while they were just sitting there with an awkward glance.

Hobin's pov:
Gaeul is right,I can't be like this! Just what is happening to me... My account was about fighting, exposing bullies and all.. So why think like that!? I should look up for some real bullies to help the poor people, but how!?

(Hobin was searching up for people who need help with bullying)


"Hobin!? V-hit? I'M A HUGE FAN OF YOU!! Can you please help me with my bullies? Even though I've gotten stronger I'm still a same little Rock to him so there's no way I'll be able to beat him.. "

Hobin: hmm? Where's the location? What time? I will wear a black hoodie and a white mask

"Its Geumdo high school *bla bla bla"

(At night)

Hobin packed the things he'll need and will head out tommorow


Hobin took the bag he prepared and went out before the others find him because he can't tell his friends.

(Idk why.. It's just have to be the part of the story)

After a while, he arrived at the high school, It's Tuesday and Hobin didn't go to school.He sneak into the cafeteria at lunch time and wait for his fan.
(He wear a hoodie and a mask so no one recognize him)

After a while his fan recognizes him, he flew there and told him everything about his bully.

Suddenly, there was a laarge, big, scary guy coming in the cafeteria.. No one didn't took a single turn in his way and silently eat their foods, they all lower their heads and clear sweat flew down their temples except Hobin.

"It's him, the bully.. "

Hobin got up and turn to the bully instantly.

Hobin: Meet me at the back of the school behind the store room after school.

(How to fight x lookism) Daniel Park and Hobin Yu  Where stories live. Discover now