Chapter 4 2.2: The unknown perv 👁️👄👁️

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The group went to the location even tho West said it's dangerous.

Snapper: Damn it! Why did I even came here!? I think I'm gonna get myself killed..

Hobin: Well,we need you to film those who keep their reputation higher than their fighting levels.

Snapper: ugh fine fine, as if I'm gonna help you guys if you get in trouble..

Daniel: We're here,please get ready and don't let your guard down.

They try to go right in the door..

Hobin: Are you sure we can just open it?? What if they know we're planning to do this from the start and ambush us.

Daniel,: Yeah,there's a high chance but there's nothing else we could do so let's go in.

Daniel opened the door and to their surprise,it was....

Full of gangs.

Snapper: What is going on!!???

Taehun: Fuck! They knew we're here!

Hobin: Let's run for now! We can't beat all of them..! Wait,Hyung??

Daniel: Stand behind me,I think I can handle them.

Snapper: Did you hit your head or something!? We're gonna die!!!

Daniel: Please just calm down and trust me guys.

Taehun: I won't help you if your dying then.

Hobin: I'll help you!

Daniel: Your not fully healed yet,I said I can take them by myself.

The crowd already went for them and Daniel instantly went on with it, everyone was shocked, especially Hobin because Daniel took care of the multiple gangsters all by himself in one go without struggling that much,he didn't even feel like helping and just stare at him blankly on how strong his Hyung is.

After a few moments of beating them to pulp,Daniel finally finished and exercise his shoulders.

Hobin: Daniel h-hyung.... WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED!?

Daniel: Umm..Hobin are you ok.? He smiled as usual.

Snapper: Man that was sick,I was streaming ya know!!! It got up to 4k views!!

Daniel: W-woah...amazing then.

Taehun: Tsk,let's go,why're we wasting time.

Snapper: Nah,I think your just jealous.

Taehun: Just shut up before I -

Daniel: I think that's enough,let's go guys!

They went more deep and saw a few gangsters,but it wasn't that hard for them to just beat them to pulp until they met an unknown unbelievably strong man.

Hobin: Phew.. we're finally done,I think I need to rest rn..

Snapper: ugh I'm tired of filming too.

Hobin: Shut up your not even helping us..

Snapper: But I gave you guys motivation quotes ya know!!

???: Well well...who do we have here?

Taehun: Now,who are you shit?

???: No need to be so rude,pretty boy.I expected you guys to back down instead you went this far,I'm amazed.

Hobin: *whispers: I sense this man is not like those punks..we need to be careful..

Daniel nods.

???: So...what brings you here??

Daniel: Don't tryna hide it,we all know your dirty secrets,and you'll end up in jail.

???: Aww what do you mean?

Taehun: Fucker you don't want to admit it..? Fine, we're gonna send the drugs at the police station.

???: Actually you guys can't,because your already in our territory,you dumbasses.


???: Haha! I thought you guys are wise detective sons, guess you fall right into it.

Daniel: Everyone stay beside each other!

Snapper: Oh hell nah! I wanna go home...huh??where are the attackers??

Hobin: What is going on?

???: I'm taking you all,wow warm up.

Taehun: You looked down on us that much? Then I'll show you something.

???: Bring it on.

Taehun attacked the unknown man with strong source of back kick but Taehun was also shocked..."it didn't land on the right spot? No I was kicking the wall.." he thought. He was not like Ezio he could kick around and was definitely on another level.

???: Aye your kicks are high and tempting.I bet your the best of Taekwondo haha.

Taehun: Shut it or I'll kick your mouth,wait good idea.

He really went for the mouth because the man was too talkative and Taehun was annoyed,but got more annoyed when the man dodged.

Taehun aggressive growls and kept attacking without leaving a second,he almost ran out of energy but the thing was...he couldn't reach him..

Daniel: Taehun I think it's my turn now!! Your tired,I will help.

Hobin: H-Hey! I can also help if you need.

Taehun: This is my work you guys just stop bothering me and go further,I think I will be fine.

Hobin: B-but-!

Taehun: Go to hell Hobin! Your not here to just watch do you!!?

Daniel: Let's go.

Hobin, Snapper and Daniel went away from Taehun because he said he can handle him.Handle him,my ass no man would refuse to not get help in a manly moment.So they're not sure if it's safe to just leave him like that either,but with no other choice they ended up leaving Taehun but Hobin planned on checking him after a few minutes later.

They went to find if anyone was in need of help and yes, they've found a pretty young lady collapsed in the floor,Snapper carried him cause it was least he could do,the place was large,in an underground room.It was creepy but in fact,very neat and organized.

Snapper: Gosh,this is so frustrating,what If the exit was blocked?

Daniel:We will be fine,in times like this,the best thing is to not lose ourself,being too impatient will just lead you to make big mistakes.

Hobin:Your right.We need to find ways to esca- wait,I need to check in Taehun,in case you need help,call me back.

Snapper: ok.

Hobin ran back into where Taehun was fighting but he stopped in horror when the man went out of the room with no bruises," Taehun was defeated?" He thought.

???: What?? Stunned?
He tried to attack Hobin but Daniel suprising dodge it.

Daniel: Hobin you ok?

Hobin: Y-Yea..

Daniel: Don't worry,go check on Taehun I'll handle this.

Hobin: Thanks.

Hobin flee to check on Taehun while Daniel was trying to put down the guy.

???: Hmm..I think your face is familiar...Daniel Pak?

Daniel: The hell u saying!?

???: Haha whatever..anyways,your brother is cute and your handsome.

Daniel: Your a real perv aren't you..? I'm beating the shit out of you.

???: Woah easy boy.

Daniel threatens the guy to not mess with him while the perv was laughing it off.He can make anyone piss off even by letting them hear his voice.

(How to fight x lookism) Daniel Park and Hobin Yu  Where stories live. Discover now