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As soon as they arrived at the Isle of the lost, the six we're surrounded and greeted with a huge crowd of of kids. Smiles formed on their faces as as Jay parked the limo a few feet away from the entrance. As everyone greeted those around them, Adeline was standing with Ben and Mal, talking with Celia.

"Here let me get this off for you." Ben offered, but instead she did it herself and flung her back into the boot.

"Oh," Adeline replied

"Ok!" The king said as he closed the hood. Mal kept a hand on the hood of the boot, while her other hand was on her hip. Ben wrapped an arm around his younger sister's shoulder

"Let's go and do... this." He replied as she walked past the trio.

Mal, Ben and Addy look at each other while laughing. As they entered the limo, Addy waved at the people before getting inside. It didn't take long for the limo to start driving off. A pair of ocean blue eyes followed her every move...

Addy sat next to the window as she watched Celia throw a deck of cards at Ben. He chooses one, and gives it to Celia, face down, as she keeps her eyes closed.

Mal watches from his shoulder, as Celia puts another hand on top of it with her eyes still closed, before she opens her eyes.

"Your going to be a wise and brave king." She shows him the card as Mal and Adeline grin at each other.

"He already is." Mal responds as Ben looks at the card in his grasp.

"See? The cards never lie." She reaches her hand out before Ben realises what's going on, he pulls out his wallet as Adeline looks away to look at the scenery, although there really was none.

It wasn't long before they arrived at the barrier. As the crowd waved and cheered as they ran towards the limo. Everyone inside waved at them with smiles on their faces as Jay pressed the button to close the magical gate. As they went through Evie looked back at the waving crowd one last time with a smile on her face, only to fade away with a hideous face running towards them.

"It's Hades!" She shouted, causing everyone to look back and to see the God of the Underworld to break free, through the magic barrier.

"Stop the car, he's trying to escape!" Jay instantly stopped the limo while the older teens stepped out of the limo after telling the younger ones to stay in the car.

As Adeline stepped out of the limo, she joined Mal and Ben and the others by the back of the limo as Hades forced the barrier open with his own two hands, and put his head right through. The magic of Auradon ignited the blue flames on his head as he started at the teens with anger in his eyes.

"I am a god! I don't belong here!" He screamed. Ben, Jay and Carlos charged towards Hades, only for him to use the stone in his hand and zap them with blue beams, making them fall onto the ground, groaning.

As soon as Adeline and Evie was about to help the three boys up, a cloud of smoke surrounded Mal, and as soon as it cleared a dragon appeared in her place and soared into the air with a loud roar.

As the daughter of Maleficent flew closer towards him, all he did was use his gem to send a powerful beam at her chest. Everyone watched as Mal began to grow weaker and weaker by Hades power.

"Addy!" Jay called out, as she turned her attention towards him,

"You gotta do something!" He called with a hint of desperation. Addy's attention drew towards Mal before it landed towards Jay again and nodded.

As the trio of boys moved out of the way, Addy's eye's turned red as she summoned a ball of power

She aimed towards Hade's and let out a massive amount of power and forced him right back into the barrier

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She aimed towards Hade's and let out a massive amount of power and forced him right back into the barrier. Everyone watched as Hades tumbled across the ground before the barrier finally closed. Mal let out a few more painful growls before she flew back down onto the boot of the limo. Infront of her Addy stumbled a bit before Jay caught her from falling. 

"Are you ok?" Evie asks, as Ben and Carlos help Mal off of the boot. Addy nods, before she turns her attention to Mal

"Yeah, but are you ok?" She asks more firmly to Mal.

"No" Mal gasps, drawing everyone's attention to her before she took another shaky breath.

"He was draining all my magic with the ember, and I felt... all of my powers slipping away." She said as she clutched her stomach.

"Your safe." Evie confirms

"He's back we're he belongs."

Hades glared at them before turning away and walking off.

"Yeah.. For now." Mal said as she pants, the six of them watched as he journeyed off into the Isle.

"We should go." Jay said softly.

"Ok.." Mal whispered. Just as Adeline was about to take a step she stumbled forwards before Ben caught her.

"Ok, you are resting when we get home.. C'mon." Ben ushered her inside the limo.


The following morning, Ben asked Addy to ease her mind seeing as she was all drained from the day before. Ben, however, had to attend a meeting with his parents, Fairy Godmother and Mal. And so she did, by the archery grounds with Roland, easing her mind, like she was told.


Another one hit the centre of the arrow stands as Adeline kept her bow and arrow beside her.

"Well done princess, you're getting better by the day." Roland complimented as he stood beside her. 

"Thanks, learned from the best" Addy said as she playfully hit Roland by the shoulder before they both shared a laugh.

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