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The heavy breeze just wiped the environment. What was that? A new unnamed natural disaster or a sign of something worse that is yet to come. Ayisha was thinking about the weather and imagining all the possible nightmares that might occur due to this weather. Just at the right moment she heard a sound.

Her phone just rang. Who was it. The name Amyra was displayed on the phone.
"Aiysha where are you? It's urgent"
"Yes Amyra darling, what happened? Why so serious?"
"Do we have Rafiq sir's extra class today?"
"Like seriously this is why you called?"
"Yeah. I just called to inform you that I cannot attend his lectures today. I have a party to attend."
"Amyra and her dawats. Be ready sir is gonna roast you the next day."
"I hope he doesn't. I am scared. He legit insults Infront of everyone. And those pets of sir laughs like idiots."
"I know right? And sir even compares our marks. I get it they get more marks than us, but why does he always broadcast it?"
"I don't know, I hope sir doesn't roast me the next day. I have informed Fariza. That I won't be attending the class today."
"What did she say? Did she not scold you for bunking the class?"
"Nope she said she won't go as well."
Hearing this Aiysha was fuming in anger. And started to rant.
"You two always bunk together. You always plan and never include me."
"That's because you don't pick up calls"
"That is because I use my mother's phone"
"We use our mother's phone too."
The moment Amyra said this she couldn't hear anything more and that was the second she realized the other person hung up the call.

It was the time when the extra class started. Ayisha being the obedient student did the class without any complaints. Tasnim always stayed beside ayisha just like an ideal sister. Yes they are sisters. Blood sisters. Tasnim is one year older than Ayisha. But Ayisha is the dominating one. Tasnim has always been the obedient girl.

Fariza , Amyra, Ayisha, Tabian, and Samarah they are a group of best friends. They are in the same college. Fariza is the friend who comes up with every unrealistic solution. And makes people laugh with her pathani accent. Amyra is the overthinker. She Thinks about everything that won't ever take place. Ayisha is the optimistic girl but she can be an over-thinker too. Tabian is the most quiet shy girl. She cannot even make eye contact while having a conversation, because she is too shy. Samarah is the most decent among all. She is beautiful gentle, pious, religious. She wears burqha. But cracks the most deadliest dirty jokes.

It was the time for college. When they all come together, have fun create beautiful memories.

They were a group of five. Tasnim was in a different section. She used to join them at the extra class. These five friends would sit together. The last two rows were their favourite place. The five couldn't sit together at the last bench because all the rows had three chairs and they were five. So they marked the last two rows as their territory. Tabian, Samarah and Ayisha used to sit in the second last bench. Fariza and Amyra used to sit at the last bench.

The class got over and they were walking together and heading towards the main gate to exit suddenly Tabian spoke up.
"Guys I think I will be attending Rafiq sir's extra class from today."
Ayisha screamed in happiness
"Wow Tabian that's a great news. We will have so much fun. And sir is really nice."
"Huh... Nice he is always roasting. Once you enter you will be his next target for being the chicken tandoori." Amyra replied.
"No he doesn't do this always he makes fun of us when we are late and when we do not get good marks in physics" Fariza expressed her opinion.
"Now I am scared I don't wanna go" Tabian exclaimed in fear.
"Arehh don't listen to her she is just saying this because sir doesn't let her attend her unlimited dawats. And you know what there are few moron looking boys who will be blessed to see a divine angel entering the classroom. So, don't you wanna bless those poor souls?" Ayisha asked with her puppy eyes.
Everyone burst out into laughter.
"Okay stop this melodrama. I will join from today. I'll talk to sir about it." Tabian replied.

"Okay guys you all have fun. I need to go home. Ammi is waiting. And Tabian enjoy your first day of extra class to the fullest." Samarah said.
"Why don't you join too?" Amyra asked.
"I don't wanna join as Ammi won't allow extra classes. She will say , you can study at home. If you study hard at home you would not need extra classes. So I don't wanna go against her." She added.
"Okay no worries" every one synced together.
"Okay bye!" Samarah concluded.

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