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𝐊𝐢𝐲𝐨𝐤𝐨'𝐬 eyes watched as Y/n's tongue slowly escaped past her glossy, plump lips, licking at the sides of the new spliff she was currently rolling up

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𝐊𝐢𝐲𝐨𝐤𝐨'𝐬 eyes watched as Y/n's tongue slowly escaped past her glossy, plump lips, licking at the sides of the new spliff she was currently rolling up. Kiyoko's eyes slightly lingered on her lips for a little while, before shaking her head to clear her stupid thoughts. 

She cleared her throat to gain the attention of the h/c female, causing Y/n to stop her actions giving her best friend--shit her only friend--her undivided attention. The ravenette scratched her cheek a little, something Y/n noticed she did only when she got nervous.

Why is she nervous?

"Uh, Y/n, you know how you said you used to be good at volleyball back in middle school?," Kiyoko questioned, trying to comfortably position herself on the park bench. 

Y/n lightly planted her head on Kiyoko's shoulder, tucking her newly made pre-roll on top of her ear. A small smile made its way to the raven-haired female's face at the small display of affection.

"Yea. What about it?" Y/n looked up at Kiyoko, eyelashes softly fluttering. A small yawn escaped her lips. 

"Well.." Kiyoko tapped her chin in thought. "There's now some new rule that there needs to be at least one female player on a volleyball team, and I was thinking maybe you can play for ou--" 

"Sure." Y/n interrupted, shrugging nonchalantly. Kiyoko slowly blinked in surprise at how quickly Y/n agreed, watching as she lifted her head from her shoulder, getting up to start leaving. 

"I-really? Why?" The ravenette asked. 

Y/n rubbed her eye's tiredly, dusting small bits of weed off her shirt. "I don't have shit to do anyways. Text me and le'me know the details. Gotta go." She gave her friend a quick kiss to the cheek, quickly walking off. 

Kiyoko longingly watched as her friend walk off in the distance, her hand coming up to her cheek, lightly touching the place Y/n soft lips were planted seconds ago. 

"Later, N/N..." 


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I opened the door to my home, walking into the kitchen to see Ms. Rosalie wrapping up some leftovers of food. 

" Hi Ms. Rosalie, I'm back," I quietly called out, not wanting to startle her. Her head whipped fast, as she turned around to look at me. 

Ms. Rosalie is a sweet Latina lady, maybe in her 60s, with lines around her mouth and short length black hair. I hired her last to help around the house for when I'm away for work and school. She's been really good to me. 

" Oh! Hola cariño (Hi sweetie)!" Ms. Rosalie places the container of food in my fridge and smiles, the lines around her mouth deepening. " These are just some leftovers of dinner that I saved for you. Enchiladas! Andre is in the living room watching T.V." 

I reached into my back pants pocket for my wallet, and out a hundred dollar bill. " Thank you so much ma'am. You makes things much easier around here for me." I softly smile at her, handing her the money. 

"You know it's no problem, niña." She gives me one of those motherly hugs I've never experienced from anyone but her. The hug is full of love. It's firm but soft. 

She's too good to me. 

After that, she left the house, probably on her way home to take a well-deserved nap. I walk over to the couch in the living room, smiling at the sight of Andre sleeping on the couch. I gently pick the 1-year old up, and lay myself down on the sofa, with him sleeping on my chest. 

"Momma's back home, Lil Man..." I whispered, pecking his forehead. I sigh, completely exhausted and close my eyes. 


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SPEEDSTER~ 𝗛𝗔𝗜𝗞𝗬𝗨𝗨 𝗩𝗔𝗥𝗜𝗢𝗨𝗦 𝗫 𝗕𝗟𝗔𝗖𝗞!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿Where stories live. Discover now