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Finney pov
Omg i cant go anymore.This is way to embarrassing.I PECKED VANCE.I wanted to text Billy so bad but I don't have my phone with me. "V-Vance..."I said. "What's wrong Finney?"Vance said on the other side of the door. "Can I borrow your phone for a second please.."I said hitting my forehead. "Yeah sure,here"He said knocking on the door.I opened it and I grabbed the phone placing it on the counter.Before Vance left I grabbed his hand.I looked down. "What am I gonna wear for school...."I said feeling so dumb. "I can try to find something for you,okay?"Vance said.I nod in response.He smirked and he kissed my hand than left.O.m.g. I quickly shut the door and dialed Billy.
B: "Morning Vance..."
F: "it's me Finney"
B: "hey Finney whats up?"
F: "So I pecked Vance on the cheek and he kissed my hand..."
B: "......wtf...."
F: "Help i feel so embarrassed when I see him knowing that we are doing these things even from last night..."
B: "yeahhh... last night was something else..Well I'll try to make seem less awkward with you two but knowing Vance I think he won't because he's kinda homophobic.He's tough and people see him as scary.So idk if he'll still be the same when other people around or he'll try to ignore you."
F: "yeah your right....So do I tell him something?"
B: "are you nervous?"
F: "yes...."
B: "then ill say something to him okay?"
F: "thanks Billy I'll see you at school
B: "see ya Finney boy"
I ended the phone call and rinsed my mouth with mouth wash cause I didn't have a toothbrush sadly.I headed out the bathroom room.
I see Vance with light blue jeans this time,white shirt,a jean jacket,and white shoes(dirty). "This is all I can find that will probably fit you"He said putting his school id in his pocket. "Thanks Vance..."I said slightly smiling.He humed in response and left the room. "I'll be in the living room waiting."Vance said then left.I changed into the clothes he gave me and looked in the mirror.I had on a dark brown cargo pants,a black shirt with a race car on it and my black converse.It fit big but it's okay.I walked outside and went to the living room.I see Vance with his head resting on the couch back with his eyes closed.I'd be lying if I didn't wanna kiss him.I was so tempted.So I did it....
I walked to the side of the couch so I can reach.I leaned in and kissed him on the lips.I placed my hands on each side of his face.I knew Vance wanted more because he started getting up.I pulled away from the kiss. "We're gonna be late cmon"I said hella nervous and walked towards the door. "Your such a little teaser."Vance said grabbing his book bag.Walking behind me. "Am not."I said. "Uh huh."Vance said locking the door.
School(hell😐)Vance pov
I was walking behind Finney and I see the the group chat waving at me and Finney to come over.So we did go over there. "So are you guys a thing now or..."Billy asked looking at Finney suspiciously.I looked at Finney and he seemed nervous.I grabbed his hand. "Finney"I said and he shot his face up. "I know I'm not utterly the best person I guess.But I do know that I like you and that I should not push you.So, Finney Blake, Will you be my boyfriend?"I said and the group started awing so I shot them a glare which shut them up. "Yeah Vance I will"Finney said smiling which looking down.I kissed his forehead. "Okay guys stop being lovey dovey we are still single keep in mind."Robin said. "For real single lives matter."Griffen said.Then they started talking about a party happening on Friday and that everyone from our grade is invited.(Let's all pretend that all of them are in the same grade +Griffen)Finney turned to them curious about the party.I go behind him and rest my chin on his shoulder holding him by his waist. "Everyone is invited?"Finney said. "Yeah man.The only reason they going if Bruce and Vance goes."Billy said annoyingly,crossing his arms."Wait why me?"I said mad. "Because they probably wanna see you fight Vance" Finney said turning his head where I was resting my chin.I rolled my eyes before placing a kiss on his cheek causing him to giggle. "So if that's for Vance than why me?"Bruce said confusingly. "Looks." the whole group said at the same time. "Wow rude"Bruce said rolling his eyes. "It's not rude it's just the truth.That's why Robin is going."Griffen said laughing.There was a silence. "Uh anyways ima go to class...."Griffen said and than ran to his next class.Me and Finney looked at each other. "We should leave I don't like this silence going on."I said whispering in Finneys ear.He nods. "Bye fucktards."I said turning Finney around by his waist. "Bye guys!"Finney said.I took Finneys hand started walking to my locker cause I needed my book bag.(Let's all pretend I said that he went to his locker before going to the group which is why he needs high book bag). "Vance i have to go to the library to return my book I borrowed."Finney said holding my hand with now 2 of his hands.One hand on each side of my hand.
I stopped and turned around to face him. "You have to right now?"I asked.He nods. "I will have to pay for being late"He said smiling. "Okay then I'll see you in class."I said and he nods.I kissed 2 of his hands.He giggled.He then walks away so I walk towards my locker.

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