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Sky's pov
We just got done talking to the police at the station and dansby is going to be charged with assault on a minor and rape and domestic violence for what he did to Mal so in other words he's going to jail for a while and why we were talking Mal got a restraining order against him so that he can't be in a certain distance of her or her family.

We just got home from the police station. Some of the team such as Christen Tobin Alex and some more of the older players are chilling in the backyard and the pool whilst the younger ones of the team went out shopping. Mal wanted to be alone for a little while because she wanted to talk to her sister about everything so I walked out into the backyard and asked Christen to talk.

"Hey christen can we talk alone for a minute" she didn't reply but she got up and we walked over to two chairs on the other side of the yard away from everyone. "What's up sky?" I replied with "I just wanted to make sure that you aren't mad at me because of when you walked into my room and Mal was crying" christen looked at me and said "I'm not mad at you I was when I walked in and Mal was crying but she explained to me why she was crying when we walked away and even if I was I'm not anymore because of the way you protected Mal from him" we both smiled at each other and stood up and hugged she walked back over to where she was originally sat.

I was happy that she wasn't mad at me. I stayed sat where I was just watching everyone have fun chilling. I've been sitting there watching them for a while until I decide to lay down and look at the clouds. I started thinking about my mom and if she would be proud of me also thinking about if I'm ready to start calling ash Mama and Ali mom or mum. I realised it's been like an hour and a half since we came back and Mal went to my room. I know she's probably just lost track of time talking to her sister but I want to make sure she's ok.

I get up and walk inside to my room I knock on the door instead of just walking in and Mal comes and opens the door whilst still on facetime with her sister, her sister is mid sentence so I mouth to Mal if she's ok she nods and let's me in so as quietly as I could I walked on and sat on the edge or my desk so Mal can sit on my bed but instead Mal came and stood in-between my legs facing me holding her phone so that you can see the back of my head and Mal's face because she's also stood with me holding her.

After her sister finished talking and looked up at her phone she realised I was with Mel but she couldn't see who it was so she said to Mal "who's that'' instead of verbally talking back to her Mal moved kissing my head as she did but that was out of her sisters view Mal turned I'm my arms so my face could be seen so I smiled and said "hi I'm sky I'm Mal's" I looks at Mal because I don't know what to do so Mal says "she's my friend I guess because we're not officially together but we're talking" this makes me smile. I move Mal so she's stood a little bit In front of me so I can stand up. Once I stood up I went and sat on the bed and pulled Mal to sit with me on the bed. Mal's sister replies "nice to meet you sky I'm brianna but you can call me bree also thank you for protecting Mal" I smile and say "you're welcome I guess but I would do it again in a heartbeat and I'll be able to protect her better after I get this stupid thing off" showing her my cast as I say that. I didn't expect her to ask me anything else but she asked me "how did you brake your arm" as I was about to answer Mal grabbed my hand and said "you don't have to answer that" I smiled at Mal and said "it's ok princess, I broke it because before ash and Ali adopted me a couple days ago I was with my dad who abused me and he snapped it on a door frame because I was in the way of the tv" once I finished talking bree looked at me and sadly smiled at me and said "sorry I shouldn't of asked" I told her that it was ok I sat there with Mal for a while until I decided to get changed because I was too hot in the hoodie and jeans I put on this morning so I kissed Mal's cheek and whispered to her "I'm just going to get changed in my closet if you need anything" she nodded and squeezed my hand letting go as I walked away I got changed into this

 I didn't expect her to ask me anything else but she asked me "how did you brake your arm" as I was about to answer Mal grabbed my hand and said "you don't have to answer that" I smiled at Mal and said "it's ok princess, I broke it because before ...

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Once I get back to my room Mal isn't on the phone to bree anymore she's just sat on my bed waiting for me to come back I go and sit with her. Mal crawls into my lap looking at me so I ask her if she's ok she nods her head to say yes and hugs me so I just sith there holding her for a while we both decide to go hang out with the others who are in the backyard so Mal changes into some of her shorts and steels one of my camo t-shirt I kiss her and we leave to go outside Once we get outside christen and the others look at us to make sure we're both ok as they haven't seen us for a while.

It's been two hours since we went outside with the others we played and messed around by the pool. I did what I could with the cast on my arm. Anyway Mal fell asleep on the couch with Christen and Tobin. Well Tobin is still awake but christen is asleep on her. Mal is half on me and the couch but I managed to get out from under her. "Hey Tobin is it ok if you keep an eye on mal for a while I just need to go do something quickly" I quietly ask her she looks at me confused so I whisper to her "I'm going to get stuff to surprise Mal with as she leaves with you guys tomorrow" Tobin nods and says "that's ok I'll look after them but be quick I don't know how long she'll nap for" I nod and leave to my room to go get my bag with my wallet and other stuff in it I realised that I need to ask ash or Ali to come with me because I can't drive myself so I walk to there room because I think there in there or the kitchen.

I finally found them they were in the backyard cleaning up with some of the others "ash Ali can I talk to you for a minute" they both look at me and them they start walking around the corner out or earshot of the others they look concerned so I say "don't worry it's nothing bad I just wanted to know if it's ok if one of you can take me to a couple stores so I can buy stuff for Mal before she levers tomorrow" they smiled and they decided Ali was the best one to take me because she'll know what to buy.

We just got back from shopping Ali and hid the stuff that didn't need to go in a fridge in one of the unused cabinets and hid the other stuff in the fridge out there witch only had some drinks and other stuff that couldn't fit in the fridge in the house luckily we won't need anything in there so it can stay in there until I surprise Mal with it.

On the way back Ali remembered that I have an appointment to look at my arm so we went to that and they decided that my arm has healed enough to take the cast off the only thing i'd that I have to wear a splint on my arm to keep is stabilised it looked like this

We went in the house and Mal immediately came up to me and hugged me "where did you go" luckily Ali got some groceries that we needed so I replayed "I went to the store with Ali to get some stuff and look I had an appointment to look at my arm and...

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We went in the house and Mal immediately came up to me and hugged me "where did you go" luckily Ali got some groceries that we needed so I replayed "I went to the store with Ali to get some stuff and look I had an appointment to look at my arm and I got my cast off" Mal happily smiled and jumped up so I could carry her one I had a hold of her I went to my room so that I could put my stuff away but that wasn't the main reason I went to my room because I could tell Mal wanted a kiss when I got back and I also wanted to kiss her.

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