Chapter Twenty-Three - Somebody Fucked Up..And It Was Me...

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Okay wattpad is seriously pissing me off.. I wrote this chapter three times. I have alot of other chapters wrote after this(I need to start backing my stuff up again), this is the only one that is acting dumb as fuck....ugh!!!!!!!
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

They say third time's a charm. We'll see if this gets publish, it's extremely annoying to keep writing the same things.


*After the concert*

I sat with Ryan talking about everything from my past to his relationship with Shay Mitchell. But every so often I would glance at Drake on stage, you could tell that he loves doing it.

After it was over, I asked Ryan to take me to his dressing room but he told me where it was so I could go myself.

I got to the room rather quickly.

I wasn't running.. I like to use the word sprinting.

And I knocked on the door, after about five minutes the door opened.

"I told you that I'll be out in a minute-"

"Surprise!" I grinned.

I looked at me for a moment, unsure he was actually seeing me. "Riley? What are you doi-"

"Drake, you need to come on, the whip cream is melting and it will be hard to lick it off my-" Rihanna walked in and looked at me. "Who are you?"

Drake spoke up. "Riley, she-"

"A old friend," I stared at Drake. "Have fun you two,"

I ran out the room, I couldn't cry in front of them.

"Riley!" Drake ran behind me. "It's not what it looks like,"

I stopped and turned around. "I probably would believe that if I didn't know you fucked her on a regular basis," I spat.

He was clearly taken aback. "How is it my fault? You act like you don't care about us or me!"

"Maybe if you got your head out your ass you would know instead of wanting someone to spell it out in bold fucking letters,"

He got in my face. "Look you need to chill out with that shit. I have been doing right by you and respecting your choices that had to do with both of us,"

I shook my head. "While, I didn't ask you to!"

"How is it my fault you don't know what you want?"

I started to walk away. "What I don't want is a light-skinned, desperate motherfucker who thinks everybody wants them but couldn't keep a relationship if you held a damn gun to his head,"

"And nobody wants no crazy ass bitch, so I think we even,"

I stopped immediately.

This can't be real.

"Say it again!" I screamed, trying to make myself look as tall as possible.

He looked away. "I called you a crazy ass bi-"

Next thing I know, the back of my hand made a connection with his face.

Everything stood still for a while, seeing who would make the next move.

He took my hand and held it up while getting in my face, the anger was evident on his face. "Don't you ever lay another fucking hand on me as long as you live or you will regret it,"

It took everything within me not to punch the shit out of him so I could see what he would do to me.

Drake dropped my hand and walked back to the dressing room. When I knew he was gone, I collapsed in the floor and cried.


I looked up and saw Eric looking my way. "What happened?" he ran by my side.

"Just get me out of here, please?" I whispered


*The Next Day*

"Riley, can you please take your medicine?"

I sat up. "Where is it?"


I took the pills and the bottle of water from him. After I took the medicine, I laid back down and pulled the blanket over my head.
"Ry, I'm about to go out," I heard Eric say.


When I heard the door closed, I hopped out of bed and walked to the kitchen.

Today I have a date with cookies and cream ice cream and we have a good time whenever we get together. But when I went to the freezer and opened it, there wasn't anything in it. Zero. Zip. Nada. Just a few ice trays.

"You're not really going to make me go to the store, are you?" I looked down at my stomach.


I slipped on my flip flops and headed elevator. When I got downstairs, I asked the doorman where the nearest grocery store was, he told me there is one around the corner. I decided to get a taxi because I was too depressed to walk.

Depressed...That's weird.

When we finally arrived at Walmart, I paid the driver and got out swiftly. I walked in the store and started looking quickly for what I was looking for because I really don't want to be around people.

After it felt like hours of searching, I decided to give up and asked a worker where the ice cream is at. He pointed behind me and there it was.


I looked and looked but I didn't see no cookies and cream. "You really gonna do me like this universe?"

Great, now I'm talking to myself, which is not anything new.

"What kind are you looking for?"

A lady with a cart full of groceries walked up to me.

It scared me a little. "Oh, cookies and cream, it's my favorite and I can't find it anywhere and I been having a bad vacation,"

I don't know what made me tell her that but it seem like I could talk to her about it.

She looked at me for a moment, I guess wondering why this crazy girl was venting to her.

She reached into her cart. "Here, please take it,"

It was the ice cream.

"It was the last one they have," she smiled gently.

I looked down at the ice cream and smiled, it was strange that this random people is being nice to me.

I sat it back in the cart. "Thanks but I can't take it,"

"No, I insist, my daughter is going to eat most of it anyway,"

I laughed. "I wish there was some way we could share it,"

She paused. "How about you come over for a bowl?"

Riley, this is a total stranger! Use your common sense..or whatever you have left of it.

"Sure, I would love to Miss-"

"Just call me Carla,"


Shout-out to my girl I_Am_BarbieDoll for shouting me out in her new book "Coincidental Love" you all should check it out and support her. She is a really good author.


A New Way To Love..(A Drake FanFic) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now