Showcasing a new series every month to show you the best series Wattpad has to offer, and an interview with the writers for more information about their series and writing!
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What sparked the inspiration to write your series?
Actually, it was a Halloween prompt offered by @WattpadTimeTravel back in 2019. The first chapter of Lost in the Castle is what I wrote for the contest, in response to a prompt which asked us to write a 2k words long short story about a character called Sam, male or female, who gets lost during a Halloween tour in Bran Castle.
When you started the first story, did you already know it would be a series?
No, I didn't even know that the short story would grow into novel length. But I gave in to some friendly and positive feedback and challenged myself to write my first novel. Which grew into a trilogy (for now).
How do you keep track of all the details in your series?
I realise how unprofessionally this must sound, but I use a simple block note app on my phone. I only write on my phone, and arrange writing around my life, ten minutes here, half an hour there... Every time I have an idea which I can't sit down to and work on immediately, I write it in my notes to use later. I recall a few ideas which I wrote down as soon as I started writing the first book of the series, and only used in book three.
What has been the most challenging part to write in your series (so far)?
I think... It was in book two of the series, writing Samara during her pregnancy. She was depressed after the forced separation from the love of her life (lives) and found out that she was pregnant and would have to face the pregnancy and birth alone.
How long did it take you to write the series?
I wrote the three books in a little over two years and a half.
Do you have any advice for your fellow/new series writers?
I think we all should keep in mind that our stories will never please everyone. There will always be those who won't like them for one reason or other. So, instead of thinking about those, let's think about the others who love our stories, and write, write, write...
Lost in the Castle series follows Samara, a medieval girl reborn into 21st century London, on her way back to the only man whom she ever loved. He, Vlad III, The Impaler, the Romanian prince who inspired Bram Stoker to write his Count Dracula, has been waiting for her return for over four hundred years in a strange parallel world, populated by both humans and vampires. A place accessible through a time passage hidden inside Bran Castle, which opens only on Halloween nights.