The Lost Roads Quartet - avadel

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By: avadel

GENRE: Fantasy


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What sparked the inspiration to write your series The Lost Roads Quartet?

Aria and I have always been addicted to stories. We read constantly, and occasionally, when we couldn't find exactly what we were looking for in a book, we'd tell each other stories. One of us would start it off, and then we'd start world-building, each of us adding characters and plots and subplots. This would go on until we had something like our own mythology—storylines that sort of went together but didn't always quite make sense; characters that we loved but that would disappear and hop back into the story as we felt like it; plots that we'd back up and change or erase completely.

The Lost Roads Quartet started as one of these stories. We'd been playing around in Avadel for almost a year, when, one spring break night, we were lying in a hammock, staring up at the stars. We started talking about how much we loved the world we'd built, and all its characters—Aster, Sean, and Leavi among them. Aria mentioned how cool it'd be to turn it into a book. However, we both immediately dismissed the idea. The story was too mixed-up, too dreamlike for us to be able to translate it into something anyone else could understand.

But then we kept talking, starting a long chain of what if's and minor tweaks that turned into the series you see today.

When you started the first story, did you already know it would be a series?

Definitely! There were four clear moments in the sprawling storyline that we'd roleplayed through that we knew would each take their own book to do justice to.

How do you keep track of all the details in your series?

Lots of command + f searching, lol. xD

In all seriousness, we have a glossary that we write up each time we publish a book on Amazon, and I think that helps us more than it helps the readers. We have a handful of notes scattered through Google Docs and some helpful maps too. Most of all, though, being saturated in the story before we ever started writing also helps us keep the details straight.

What has been the most challenging part to write in your series (so far)?

Honestly? The beginning. The story was so massive in our minds, we had to find a way to gently introduce readers to our world and make it to where they were just as much part of this storyline as we are.

Do real-life people, places, or incidents inspire your writing? 

We borrowed some of Europe's geography to help give texture to our maps (although we might have scrambled the poor continent a bit too). People often think the plague in the beginning of Of Caverns and Casters was inspired by Covid-19, but we actually wrote that part years before quarantine was even a consideration. It's kind of spooky going back now to read and seeing how parallel things are.

Do you have any advice for your fellow/new series writers?

Love your story first! Writing a series is mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausting. Only commit to it when the story is beating at the back of your mind, begging to be spilled onto a beautiful mess of books.


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