Yandere Optimus Prime - The Soft Yandere

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Ayo, not too good at writing so I made this blog to try and get a little better. :)

If you have suggestions, I'm down- but not looking for a huge criticism. Thanks! <3

Optimus probably fell in love with you because you were kind and had a motherly aura about you. You took care of the kids- helping them with their homework, making sure they were well fed, and caring for their inevitable injuries they'll get from the Decepticons. You were a gentle soul, guiding the kids to do the right thing and teaching them all they would need to know for the future. Any time anyone (bot or human) had a question, no matter how "dumb" they thought it, you would answer with a kind smile gracing your face. 

Optimus always thought that you were beautiful from the moment he laid eyes on you- both inside and out. At first, he was content to just have talks with you about human culture. What did this book mean? What are some good books to read? Soon, as you had given him knowledge, you wanted some in return. You craved so badly to know of Cybertron. Optimus became your teacher just as you became his.

You both would often go on long drives to beautiful places (that were of course unpopulated) such as rivers, mountains, waterfalls, or forests. The two of you would talk all night about Earth or Cybertron's histories and culture. Sometimes you both would stay out so late, and you would fall asleep on Optimus' chest or in his cab. Every time he would so gently take you back to base, making sure to not jostle you. When there, he would take you to his berthroom where he had a human-sized bed to let you sleep on.

Obsession didn't come until later when you got captured Megatron. Optimus had been careless- he took his eyes off of you when scouting for energon, and you had wandered off to look at a pretty flower. Optimus was so focused on the energon tracker that he hadn't noticed you were gone until he heard a loud scream coming from behind him. He quickly ran through the trees, snapping branches as he went when he saw it: Megatron had his claws wrapped around your much smaller frame, a wicked grin across his faceplate. Optimus looked to you for any injuries, but he could only see the terror on your face.

 You were trying so hard to look calm, he could tell- but because he knows you so well it was obvious you were just barely holding back tears. "Release her, Megatron!" He roared out.

"Hm, you seem fond of the human, don't you, Optimus? Then again, you've liked fragile things since you were a mere archivist." Megatron opened his hand slightly, with you sitting in his palm. He looked down at you with a sick grin, "It would be so easy to crush you, wouldn't you agree little one? Then again, Optimus really seems to value you- perhaps I'll keep you as a pet."

You shook like a leaf at his words. The warlord intended to keep you as a pet? You immediately looked to Optimus, eyes pleading with him to save you. Optimus could feel the energon in his veins pumping loudly in his audio receptors. In his barely contained rage he managed to get out a few words: "What do you want, Megatron?"

No matter how hard Optimus tried to hide it, Megatron saw right through him. After all, they used to be friends- and Optimus had hardly changed since then. Megatron could see the rage behind the Prime's eyes. Within moments, Megatron transformed around you. He immediately took off into the skies, leaving Optimus in the dust. Optimus yelled in rage as his human was taken away from him. 

For two solid months, the ancient bot refused to recharge as he searched and searched for you. He checked every signal, every transmission he could just to get even a bit of a clue as to where Megatron was. To where you were. 

Optimus was angry. Angry at Megatron, and angry at himself. He blames himself for your capture. If he had just kept you at base, this would have never happened. He should have never even left your side. Every single day he imagined what he would do to Megatron when he got his hands on him. He would end the war right then and there- and anyone to dare get in his way would join Megatron in the Allspark. 

Eventually, they found a transmission from an energon mine. Some Vehicon must have forgotten to encrypt their signal- or it was a trap. Either way, they found from the transmission that the Nemesis would be docking there. Optimus called all of the Autobots into the main hangar, and then they went through the groundbridge. Optimus was running through the Vehicons like no tomorrow to get to the Nemesis. 

Soon, he found you sleeping in the medbay. Bruises covered your body and your hair was unkempt. He felt anger at your state and immediately took you back to where the groundbridge opened, and demanded one from Ratchet. "Arcee, take them to get medical attention right away." Optimus gently handed you to the blue bot."

Optimus, aren't you coming?" Optimus began his walk to the Nemesis, "No, Arcee. Return to base, I will be back shortly."

Hours later, Optimus came back to the base. Dried energon coated his hands- some of it a deep purple. Optimus' optics were slightly dim as he walked into the base.

Ratchet immediately rushed to him, "Optimus, are you hurt?" "No, I am unharmed. How are they?" Optimus' eyes glanced over to you. You looked much better than when he had seen you. Your hair was wet from being cleaned, and your cuts were bandaged up. "They will live. They're resilient, they will be back on their feet in no time, June believes. Though, they will need regular check-ups for the next few months- medical and psychological."

Optimus didn't respond to his own friend, instead walking over to where you laid. He gently combed a hand through your hair. Your eyes fluttered open, and you smiled gently at him. "I knew you'd come for me, Op. Thank you." Tears welled up in your eyes. He gently wiped them away with his digit.

"I will never allow you to be taken from me again. That, I promise." While you clung to his hand, you failed to notice the darker tone in his voice- or the energon that coated his hand as he lulled you back into sleep.

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