Yandere Ratchet - The Protective Yandere

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At first, Ratchet didn't really want anything to do with you. You were just another human, taking up space in the base. He was certain you'd be just as annoying as the children- hopefully not as bad as Miko. He's not sure he could take that. When he met you, he was rather rude to you. He brushed you off when you asked anything, and eventually you stopped talking to him. You had noticed his want to be alone, and you respected it. Instead, you kept to yourself. 

You were training to be a doctor- a surgeon, more precisely. Most of the time you were at base, you had your nose in a book. Your focus was hard to break- even Miko's loud guitar playing didn't stop you from studying the material for an upcoming test. Ratchet is actually fairly observant for a bot who pretends he doesn't care. He sometimes watches you from the corner of his eye when you're not looking. You never seem to stop studying. Everyday the bags under your eyes get worse, and he definitely notices it. 

One day (a few months after your first day at the base) he approaches you and asks you what you're reading - despite already knowing. You're surprised he talked to you at all, considering how he was before. You're honestly a little timid responding to the normally grouchy medic, telling him you're reading a book on surgical techniques and that you're trying to become a surgeon. He begins asking you about them, trying to see the similarities between Cybertronian medicine and Human medicine. He is a little shocked to see that some techniques are similar- though not too many. Ratchet slowly begins warming up to you.

 He lets you ask questions about Cybertronian biology and sometimes even lets you get some hands-on practice for more minor injuries on the other Autobots. You have a skillful hand- careful, steady, and reliable. You soon become the Autobot's second medic. 

You begin to fall behind in your studies. While you're excelling at Cybertronian medicine, you begin to mix up some of the procedures. That makes you do poorly on an important test, making your grade go from an A+ to a C-. You quickly realize that you can't both be a human doctor and a Cybertronian doctor. It's a weekend day that Ratchet came to pick you up that you decided to tell him. 

During the ride to the base, you picked at your fingers in anxiety. Ratchet, knowing you from all the times he's watched you, asked what was wrong."Ratch... I don't know if I can keep learning from you. I'm falling behind in my studies- a-and I've worked super hard to get them as high as they were. They're letting me take a make up test, though. I need to study for it."

Ratchet quickly pulled off to the side of the road. He didn't say a word as he began driving to a large rock formation, going behind it. You got the message and quickly hopped out of his cab as he transformed. Ratchet looked down at you with a light glare. "What are you talking about? I'm teaching you valuable information! Where else could you get some hands on experience like this? In this city? That's absurd. You should be more grateful." Ratchet took a slight step forward as he huffed at you. You took a slight step back. 

Ratchet hadn't really talked this aggressively to you before- even before when he was brushing you off. His attitude was making you incredibly nervous. "I do appreciate all that you've done for me. Really, I do. I'll still help out with everything when we have medical emergencies at base. But until I get my grades up? I need to focus on my human studies. I can't just give up my dream like that. I've wanted this since I was a little kid." You looked up nervously at him. Surely he would be reasonable?

He was silent for a moment. Ratchet looked at you, his thoughts going a mile a minute. "I can... help you study, perhaps. It's for your teacher Mr. Morrison, right?"

A sigh of relief left you. For some reason you couldn't pinpoint, you were scared of Ratchet for a moment. You gently nodded. "Yeah, I just need to work on biochemistry for his class. He can be really strict about it, and last time I didn't do so well."

A dangerous gleam flashed in his eyes that went unnoticed to you. Ratchet transformed and took you to base where he helped you study for the make-up test. After you went home, Ratchet did some research of his own. After all, he had access to government computers. Mr. Robert Morrison was his name. Age 45, living on Monroe Lane. No wife, no kids, no friends. No one.

Ratchet, with that knowledge, waited until all of the bots had gone to recharge to leave the base. He drove out of the town, traveling several miles. Soon, he came to a stop outside of a large home. It was a farmhouse, with a few horses outside of it. A man sat on the porch, cigarette in his mouth. He looked in confusion at the ambulance that parked a few feet from his porch. 

"Hello? Why are you here?" Morrison demanded. Ratchet refused to say a word, sitting in silence as he sized up the lanky man who was making his way to the driver's window. Quickly, he transformed.

Morrison screamed in fear as Ratchet snatched the unsuspecting man up by his leg. The now-upside down man struggled to escape the giant robot. "You're Robert Morrison?" Ratchet questioned.

"H-how do you know my n-name?" The man stopped struggling, but remained shaking in fear.

 "Good. You're him. You're going to do something for me, okay Robert?" Ratchet glared down at him.

"Y-yes! Anything, anything you want!" Snot and tears fell from the man's face as Ratchet scoffed at him in disgust.

"You have a student. Their name is (Y/N). I want you to give them top marks for the rest of the time they're in your class. Do you understand?"

"Th-this is about... a grade?" Morrison looked on in confusion. 

"Are you going to change it, or will I have to use this?" Ratchet transformed one of his hands into a sharp surgical blade. 

"N-no! Please! I'll do it! I'll do it! Please, let me go!" Ratchet dropped the man to the ground.

 Morrison yelped in pain as he fell to the ground. He quickly turned to Ratchet in fear. "What are you?"

Ratchet said nothing as he transformed into his alt-mode. He drove right in front of the man, inches away from his face. Morrison shivered in fear as the bot spoke in a low tone. "If you tell anyone about what happened here, you'll find out just what I am. Not that anyone would ever believe you." With that, Ratchet left the man on the ground in the dust.

You were surprised the next day to get an apology from your teacher, claiming he had graded your test wrong. He changed your grade the same day. When did he get a cast on his arm? When you got back to base, you apologized to Ratchet and let him know the good news. A small smile graced his face as he patted your head. Now you can learn Cybertronian medicine again, and stay with him.

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