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It was 10:00 a.m., the sun shone brilliantly, it was just another day in the city. And in one particular alley, there was a calming, beautiful, and melodious humming coming from a dark alley.

Only one man seemed to hear the humming. He was in a hypnotic state, blindly following the source of the sound.

The man entered the alley, and at the end of the alley, another man with a black cloak seemed to be waiting for the one who heard his song to enter.
Halfway through, a sharp whistle was heard. It was defined, clear, and loud.

"Mister! I think you dropped something over here!" Shouted a young woman at the entrance of the alley.

Wisely enough, she herself did not enter the alleyway.

"Oh! Yes, I'm sorry," The man rushed out of the alley to the young woman who handed him a handkerchief.

"Thank you very much, young lady!" He bowed to her gratefully.

"It's no problem," She smiled.
"I've never gone into that alley before. Is there perhaps a secret shortcut there?" Asked the young woman with a smile.

"A-ah, I-I honestly don't know, I was just drawn there suddenly," The man explained sheepishly.

"Oh, I see then, where were you perhaps heading? Maybe I could point you the way?" She offered to help but the man shook his head hurriedly.

"T-there's no need for that, young lady, I know the way, please excuse me, thank you again!" He said hurriedly, running away.

The young woman looked into the alley curiously. "Did I perhaps interrupt something?" She asked, not stepping a foot into the alley.

"That's a neat trick. I'm a little irritated by the fact that you had to step in but it's an admirable trait," The man laughed at the end of the alleyway.

"Oh, I'm no angel, so I think it best if you leave. Now. " Said the young lady with a smile.

"Since you broke my spell I have a feeling I'll see you again," The assassin said with a hint of amusement.

"If so, then why not tell me your name?" The young lady said hurriedly.

"Kalis," He said as he disappeared into the shadows.

"Kalis... I'll remember," Said the young woman as she also walked away.

The two of them met again in the park, but the young woman didn't see his face the last time they met, so Kalis was the one who approached her first.

"Young Lady?" Kalis tapped the shoulder of the young blonde with clear blue eyes.

"Yes? Did I perhaps drop anything?" She rummaged around in her purse for a while.

Kalis laughed, as she got even more confused.

"Do I know you?" She said thinking intently if she ever met a tall man with soft jet black hair and crystal ruby red eyes.

"Yes, you could say that. We met in an alleyway a few weeks ago," Kalis said with a smile.

The young lady backed away suddenly, almost tripping behind her. But Kalis caught her quickly.

"Let go of me!" She struggled in Kalis's arms.

He put his hand on her mouth and started humming a relaxing tune.

She struggled, even more, then Kalis let go. "Your spell won't work on me, " She said with a hint of panic.

"It wasn't for you, young lady, It was for those around us," He gestured to the people who were all frozen in place.

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