Entry #1

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The bridge I stood on was famous for all the wrong reasons. Many people come here for engagement proposals or maybe even cute dates, but those aren't the things that get in the news. Every year on the same day, someone jumps off this bridge and they are never to be found alive again. The bodies appear a few hours later. The memorials started to appear 20 years ago and every year a new memorial is added. If this keeps up the bridge won't have room to walk on. Part of me wants to know what the hell is going on here. I grew up with a new body found in the river each year.

Nothing's better than telling your son that someone died on their birthday every single year. The deaths also started on the day I was born. My parents would always lie about my birthday, so the town wouldn't think I was some cursed child. I thought that would be the worst of it, but I wasn't even allowed to leave the house on my birthday. My parents were always scared that one of their children would be the next person found dead.

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