Chapter 6

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"Y/ns parents said that y/n never came home last night." My heart dropped to my stomach at that sentence. Hot tears stung my eyes. I felt angry too. Angry at myself for ignoring the horrible feeling I've had for the past week, angry at Hana because I know damn well she's behind it even though I can't prove it yet, and just angry at the world. "DAMNIT" I yell kicking the cabinet door which was the closest thing to me. I walk over to the front door and slip my shoes on and grab a jacket. I ignore my mother asking where I'm going and run out of the front door. I start running not sure where to but my mind told me to run and so I did I'm just going wherever my feet take me. Eventually I get tired and slow down. Resting my hands on my knees to catch my breath. 'I can go to the school and see if they can help.' Then it hits me. 'Fuck it's Saturday.' I get another burst of anger and produce an explosion propelling me high above the buildings.

I look around and see a police station. 'Theres a high chance that there are heroes over there.' I blast myself over to the station. I produce smaller and smaller explosions in order to get to the ground safely but I still face planted rolled down the road. 'I know I've only been at U.A for a week but I really need to perfect the landing on that move.' My elbow and shoulder now have two large scrapes and road rash from the fall and it's bleeding a lot and stings like hell I get up and hold my arm. I walk over to the doors of the station and walk in. I see Aizawa there. 'Shit' "Bakugou? You look like hell." "I'm living it." "Wait..what are doing here? And by yourself?" "I was here to talk to either police or heroes about y/n." He nods "I was here doing the same thing but if your hoping to file a missing persons report then they won't do that until she's been missing for 24 hours but even if I can't get that I'm still getting all the help I can get." Aizawa says. I noticed Aizawas voice breaking. Showing he wanted to cry but refused to.

He wouldn't..especially not in front of me. They call Aizawa in and he gestures for me to follow him. We walk back to room down a long hallway and make a left turn. We walk into the office and Aizawa closes the door behind him. The officer who called us back sits down in his rolling chair and sighs. "Alright what have you come to us with?" I held my arm tighter trying not to bleed all over the floor. 'This is definitely not how I thought I'd spend my first weekend of the school year.' "Well y/n Aizawa, my daughter has gone missing she didn't come home last night." "Are you sure she didn't just sneak off somewhere? This happens all the time." The officer says carelessly sounding like he just wanted to take a nap. "No she's never done that and she wouldn't I know my daughter. Besides, she's going to U.A she knows that in order to get in and stay in that school she can't be getting into trouble she knows damn well." "Well let's ask the boy. How old are you son?" "Don't call me son and I'm 16." "Alright and I'm guessing you know this girl Erasers talking about?" "Yes I do she's my girlfriend." I say with a sharp tone. "Get to the point." "Ohh temper..anyway do you think she'd ever get into any sort of trouble? Have you two ever been party animals? Whatever you say in this room is confidential." He says taking a sip of his coffee and leaning back in his chair.

"No we've never done anything like that we go on dates but I wouldn't take her a party at least not one that I know we would get into trouble at were good kids and I can promise you that I've always had y/n home at any curfew Mr Aizawa sets for her." "Thats true he does." Aizawa says. The officer yawns and stretches in his chair. "Ok well I'm still not convinced she's in any danger if she's still missing by tonight you can come back but I highly doubt she will be. She'll be home soon." He says in a robotic voice. I couldn't control my anger anymore. I slam my hands on the desk. "FUCK THIS" I yell and with that stomp out. I would apologize to Aizawa for my behavior later. With another explosion I blast myself into the sky looking for my house. I grab my phone and check the time. 11:42 'fuck I've been gone since 8 this morning.'

I blast home as quick as possible this time taking a more graceful landing. I walk in to see my mother crying. "Katsuki" she says relieved and hugs me. "I know you were feeling some strong emotions but you can't run off like that. Especially without telling me where your going and not showing up for multiple hours." She says yelling a little. "I know I'm sorry I just freaked out." I sigh. "Theres a lot I need to tell you let me just take a shower and I'll tell you everything." My mother sighs. "Ok I'm just happy you're ok but never do that to me again and do I even want to know what happened to your arm?" She says looking at my injury on my shoulder and arm which has wet and dried up blood all over. I look down at my hand which is covered in blood I noticed my clothes also covered in blood I feel a little lightheaded at the sight of it. I go up to shower and prepare myself to tell my mother the truth about everything with Hana and how me and Y/n started dating and my past experience and relationship with Hana.
Y/n heard muffled voices she was in a cold room on the floor she could feel that she was tied up and there was duct tape over her mouth keeping her from talking. She could barely open her eyes. 'I had to have been drugged with something' she shuts her eyes as soon as she attempts to open them. She was sensitive to even the dim light coming from outside of the room she was in and the small window high up near the ceiling. 'It must be around noon then if I was taken last night then it should be Saturday.' She thinks to herself making a mental note even though she couldn't do much thinking due to her massive migraine. She can't move or take any action in this condition so the most she can do to help herself is gather as much information and try to remember as much as possible. 'I was walking home from Katsukis house and I remember everything going black.' She thinks a little further. 'I remember hearing a really loud thud I had to have been knocked out by something that could be what's causing the migraine unless it's also a side effect of whatever drug I was given.'  She thinks of everything she could've possibly been given and makes mental notes. Then she hears the cracked door creak open. "Rise and shine" she recognizes that voice...Hana. She finally gets to the point that she can open her eyes and take in her surroundings Dabi is standing next to Hana and she hands him a bag with a lot of money. Satisfied, he walks away. "She's all yours now Hana." Dabi said. Y/n wanted to speak but didn't have the ability to. Hana steps closer and peels the tape off of y/ns mouth as slowly as she could. Y/n wincing in pain.

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