Chapter 5: Dinner

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I almost slept on the couch, if it weren't for the doorbell ringing. They were already here, my parents.

"Coming!" I run to the door, opening it to see them. All smiles as my mom grabs my cheeks and kisses me.

"M-mom!" I stuttered, somehow bothered by the sudden affection. It's been awhile since I've recieved affection like this. My mom started swaying us in the hug feom side to side, laughing and letting go of me. I missed this.

"How's our pumpkin pie?" She pinches my cheeks, making me whine.

"It hurts mom, stop pinching." I held her back, walking her into the house and making her put house slippers. Then we walked into the dining room, Soobin was nowhere to be found. I was about to call him, but I saw him walking down the stairs, fixing one of the buttons of his polo as he smiles at my parents.

"It's nice to see you Mrs. Choi, you look as lovely as ever." He says to mom, kissing her on the cheeks.

"Oh Soobin! It's nice to see you too! You look so handsome." She was already squeezing Soobin in the arms, the sight made me jealous that I rolled my eyes inside my thoughts.

"The food smells so good!" She sits down on one of the chairs, already eager to eat. The sight of my mom made me nervous of the cooking. But then again, Soobin did the cooking. I decided to leave them in their small conversation, opting to change my clothes. I look so dirty in these clothes, and its probably also because I didn't wear an apron. I glanced at my dad, he was about to wave but I immediately walked up the stairs.

I don't have the best relationship with my dad, unlike my mom. He's a jerk, always managing to make my mom cry with all of the women he had been sleeping with. He might try to act like he's such a good father, but to me he would never fit to my standards. Now that I think he has ruined it with his reputation with mom.

I sniffed myself, I was a mix of Soobin's perfume and the kitchen's stench. I actually smell disgusting, I wanted to take a bath. Maybe I should take a bath. But just then the door to the room opened, I didn't need to turn around to check who entered. It could only be one person.

"Are you okay?" I placed on a polo, it wasn't mine and it probably looks so big on me. But I'm craving Soobin's scent today, so I'll be wearing it. For the sake of my sour mood seeing my dad tamper down a bit.

"Of course, I'm alright." I placed on a bit of lip balm and mascara, then comb my hair to the back. My hair is getting quite long, I'm not liking the black roots of my hair either. I'll need to have to get a new hair color and haircut tommorow. I checked myself one more time, seeing if I look presentable enough and nod to myself. I walked towards Soobin, wrapping an arm around his.

"Let's go." I was pulling both of us downstairs. Back to where my parents were casually making conversation, they looked up again at us with a bright smile.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Soobin said, pulling a chair for me, and I sat down.

"It's alright, so are you saying you cooked all of these?" My mom started pointing at all of the dishes on the table, and there was one smell harassing my nose all of a sudden. It smelled disgusting, I instinctively scrunched my nose at it. But I overed it with a scoff instead.

"Mom, I cooked the soup and the chicken." She didn't looked pleased at my answer, probably already judging me because I'M supposed to be the one cooking. But the smile on her face remained eitherway.

"And I cooked the rest of them." If only I knew I had married such a cocky man. Oh right, it wasn't me who decided on this marriage, it was our parents. I remember it as clear as day.

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