Chapter 10: Drunk and Sober

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I roll around Beomgyu's couch, groaning and moaning from how the room keeps spinning around in my vision. I check my neglected phone, frowning when I still don't see any messages or missed calls from Soobin.

"Oh? He didn't call or message yet? What time is it now? Oh? Already about to be 12." I slurred as I start typing with a frown pout in my face. How dare he? He's still not looking for me? He should be looking for me two hours ago!

Mr. "Do you know what time it is right now? Why aren't you home yet?"

Soobeanieeee :((

why aren't you texting me? :((

if you don't reply I'm not coming back :((

*sends a picture of him drunk*

I'm at Beomgyu's house :((

Soobin reads my messages immediately. I wait for a reply, but I don't get anything.

"Oh? He read it? No reply?" I sulk even more, whining and rolling on the couch again. Curse that gigantic man, I hope his future babies would have their dicks growing on their foreheads. Oh wait, they'll be my kids too if he ever has kids, I take it back.

"Jyunnie~!" Beomgyu stumbles toward me, missing the small space on the couch and flopping on the floor face first. I would laugh at him if I wasn't so worried for Soobin right now, so I ignored him and continue spamming Soobin with messages.

"Fuck, 'm gettin' a new couch, 'so hard." Soobin wasn't looking at my messages anymore, so I started calling. I whined again when my phone said he was unreachable. Seriously how dare he?? How dare he disobey his own rules?? 'm going home to punish him! Even if I am sUUUUuupeeeerrr drunk and I'm the one that needs punishment!

I stand up from the couch, tripping on my first step. I decided to crawl to the door instead, clumsily putting on my shoes once I reached the entrance.

"Gyu ah! I'm going home!" I shouted and stand up hurriedly, opening the door.

"But you can't drive!"

"I'll take a taxi~ I have money~" I waved my wallet in the air as I said so and tumbled out of Beomgyu's apartment. I am really punishing Soobin for this, he makes me go home alone this super drunk! I don't deserve this treatment, I'm supposed to be pampered back at home by him! I hate him so much I would give anything to see him get eaten by a bunch of lions!

I arrived home in record time, panting when I clumsily tried pressing on random buttons multiple times before it finally opened to me. I stumbled inside the house, taking off my shoes and crawled my way down the hallway.

"Soobin ah! Where are you?!" I know its pointless screaming since our room is soundproof, but when you're worried as fuck you just throw every type of common sense out the window you know?

"What on earth are you doing?" I turned to the sound of his voice. There he was, eating grilled cheese in a bowl with his mouth full as he continues chewing. I stand up, glaring at him for a moment before charging toward him. I stumble at the last step, clinging to Soobin's torso and kneeling as I start shaking him.

"Why aren't you texting me??? Calling???" Saying he looks surprised is an understatement, he's horrified. Why does he have the right to look scared when I'm the one who should be scared when he isn't calling or texting?!? I almost thought he was kidnapped or killed??

"You're more drunk than I thought." His expression soon changed into a look of tiredness, placing the bowl of grilled cheese on the table and lifting me up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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