Chapter 3: Divorce

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I woke up with a shitty hangover, groaning in pain while holding my head. Of course this was nothing new to me, I've had it so many times I'm surprised I still have braincells. I leaned over to the side of the bed, seeing a glass of water and some pills. I immediately downed them in one go, feeling my hangover slowly get better and sat up.

The room seemed so familiar yet I couldn't place my finger on where I had seen it before. I shrugged off the feeling, probably another familiar decor of hotel that Beomgyu managed to find in the midst of his drunkness. The boys he always manage find in these casinos are so nice, always managing to take care of both of us and giving us enough personal space. At this point I wonder how he manages to get them, in such a creepy setting where most people are probably murderers. I grabbed the glass of water at the bedside table with the pills, throwing it in my mouth and gulping it down with the water.

The air in the room feels so familiar too, for some reason this doesn't feel like a hotel room. I look around, my head getting clearer by the second and I stand up.

It really isn't just a hotel room, because our wedding photo is right there, standing on a drawer where I had placed my phone beside it.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK HOW---"I covered my mouth, wide eyed as I looked around the room again. I spinned around twice before I fell down on the bed again, feeling really dizzy. I'm back at our room: the room where I was punished, the room where he had fucked me until I blacked out on the night of our wedding. I must be going mad, impossible. How the fuck did he find me? I left my phone--


It must be Beomgyu, I remembered asking him to call Soobin while we were drunk. Then he left the room, after that a stranger walked in.

A stranger.

Beomgyu couldn't be that fast to have already summoned Soobin, that means he already found me. But how?

I shaked the thoughts out of my head and just went outside, looking down from the 2nd floor to see Soobin there, typing away in his laptop.

"Afternoon sleeping beauty, lunch is on the table with the warmers." He continues typing on his laptop, not looking away. And the nervousness I felt when I left the house 4 days ago increased by tenfold, my legs buckling umder me as I slowly slide down to sit on the floor.

"Whenever you're done eating, take a bath, get dressed and come back here. We're having a talk." I'm not liking the sound of that, he wants to have a talk.


I was frozen there, I don't know for how long. Thinking of all of the possible things he wanted to talk about. Or what if this is a trap? What if he does something more cruel than the last time he'd punished me? What if he suddenly puts handcuffs on me and chain me somewhere on the living room and I can never see the outside world again, I can never see Beomgyu--


The thought of Beomgyu had me sprinting back to the room, grabbing my phone on the nightstand and aggressively pressing on the screen in a panic. The thought of me leaving Beomgyu all alone in Las Vegas had my stomach turning uncomfortably. A lot of things might happen to him, and its nothing near good.


"I'm back at home." He says calmly through the phone call, sounding like he's frying eggs for himself. I sigh loudly in relief, but the relief got replaced immediately with curiosity. But before I could talk he's already starting.

"Soobin brought us home, I called him like you asked. Then he sent someone to get me and our things at the hotel, he gave me a chaser and made me tell everything about what happened the last few days." I'm probably still drunk, I couldn't process the things Beomgyu was saying properly. The fuzziness I was feeling from all of the adrenaline caused by my fear and worry, made me not focus on most of the things he's saying.

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