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"Sam was sitting downstairs on the stairs. Stressed about things and worrying about Tara. Till the 'cute' boy entered the building he had beer in his hand. When he entered the building she got up and the slowly walked towards each other and unexpectedly they started kissing but broke the kiss once another person walked in. They started talking and flirting till Chad called only Sam up the stairs but Danny followed."

"Once they got there everybody was in the living room. Y/n was sitting next to Tara as they look at the Tv a killing with a mask... a ghostface mask. Sam freaked out and went to the kitchen to grab a knife for protection"

Sam: Pack. We our leaving in a hour.

"Danny raises his eyebrow with a tiny smirk on his face going towards the kitchen but chad pushed him out and locked the door. Danny went back to his place"

"Tara was not happy about leaving and followed her sister into the kitchen"

Tara: S-Sam no we our not leaving!

Sam: Yes we are. Now pack

Tara: No! I refuse. We our not going to run away because something happened that does not  have anything to do with us!

Y/n: She has a point sam. Think about it

Sam: I did. and i say we leave now.

Tara: No! Quinn your dads a cop... right? can't you call him before Sam decides to fucking flee the state!

"She gives her sister a death stare while saying that. Quinn noded and got on the phone with her dad. While she did that a phone on the table ranged and almost everybody jumped. Sam and Tara slowly walked towards the table and looked at the caller."

"It was Gale. Sam decided not to pick up and declined the call. Then Quinn handed the phone to sam. Detective baily aka Quinn's dad was on the other side of the phone"

Sam: Detective baily. Hi.

Baily: Hi. Sam i was just about to call you

Sam: For what?

Baily: Well i need you to come down to the station

Sam: Right now?

Baily: Sadly yes.

Sam: A-Alright i will be there soon


"Sam was leaving the building to go to the station. But Tara followed sam and i followed Tara because i wanted to protect her obviously. Sam was not happy about us following her but gave in after a little."

"We started walking down the streets till Sam got a phone call which was a little spooky"

"It was the middle of the night pretty dark as well and we were getting a phone call... Sam took her phone out of her pocket and saw the caller was Richie... Richie is her ex boyfriend and that really freaked us out"

Tara: Don't pick up sam.

Y/n: Agreed. That is a red flag... the first red flag was him using that filter. 

"Sam looked back at me and back at her phone. She is a little crazy so she decided to pick up. Tara knew that was a mistake because we all know what the phone call leads up to. Tara sighed so i gave her a tiny hug as we kept walking"

Sam: What do you want?

"Sam got straight to point and she didn't sound happy"

Ghostface: Should be nicer. I saved you and your sister. 

Sam: What?

"Sam was confused"

Ghostface: Thats right. Kreg and Jason were going to kill you and your sister but i got to them first. 

Sam: So you are protecting us now?

Ghostface: No... i am going to show who you really are to the world...

Sam: I didn't kill anybody!

Ghostface: Say that again and don't lie this time.

Sam: Okay it was in self-defense! 

Ghostface: And what I'm going to do to you- 

Sam: Show yourself already!

Ghostface: Better watch your back... 

"Tara was grabbed from behind but got Ghostface off her as we started running i quickly kicked Ghostface onto the ground and we ran into a tiny shop yelling and basically begging for help as we were all scared"

"The people in line were not happy that we were 'cutting the line' in till they saw what we were running from. The only thing that was being cut was skin... Ghostface was not playing as he processed to stab the people in line to death. Killing anybody who was in the way from us"

"We slowly backed up and a pretty badass worker grabbed a gun and went to shoot Ghostface with a shotgun but Ghostface was quick with it and dodged. Got down low can't lie but Tara does it better..."

"We lost sight of ghostface. Freaky." 

Peace And War | Tara Carpenter X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now