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"We lost sight of Ghostface. The worker yelled at us to go out the backdoor which we did but it was locked. We went back over yelling for the key he went to give us the key but ghostface got him before he could get to the keys. Ghostface brutally killed him as we took that time to hide. We were hiding behind shelfs we were on our hands and knees hoping not to be seeing as we basically crawled"

"We heard some movement and stopped when we heard the gun click... Ghostface reloaded the gun. We paused waiting to hear another sound but the only sound we heard was a loud bang and glass breaking everywhere we all ducked down covering our heads. I looked at Tara who had pure fear in her eyes it made me sick to my stomach, but it was not the time"

"Only the time to run... i can confirm that. We continued to crawl. Another gunshot was heard the glass broke on us this time we covered our heads as glass and some things fell on top us trying our best not to make a Nosie."

"We heard walking towards us so we back tracked and hid behind the end of the shelf as ghostface looked at where we were at before. Tara was about to have a panic attack. I wanted to go back home and sleep where i was safe and Sam i didn't even know with her. Part of me wanted to comfort Tara but i just couldn't" 

"Sam grabbed a soda can and threw it making noise making Ghostface go the other way. I tapped Taras back to snap her out of her panic attack and pointed to the isle where we crawled back into. It wasn't long before Ghostface caught on. Probably heard the glass breaking under our hands"

"He turned around looking at the shelf we were behind. We used all our force to push the shelf on top of Ghostface and ran out of the shop where the cops were there but they only found the mask."


"We were taken back into the station for questioning. We sat in our chairs waiting for detective baily. Tara was resting her head on the table and sam was in her chair stressing"

Y/n: You okay Tara?

"I sort of whispered."

Tara: Yeah...

Y/n: I got something that may cheer you up

"She raises her eyebrow and looks at me giving me all her attention. Oh that made me feel really special"

"I pulled a kit-kat out of my pocket she smiled at me"

Tara: You know these our one of my favorites?

Y/n: Of course i do. I care for you i have to know your favorite candy

"I smirk as she opens the candy bar taking a bite"

Y/n: I kind of stole it while we were hiding

"Sam looked at me like i had two heads. We sat there for another couple of minutes before detective baily walked in ready to ask us questions."

Baily: So... I'm going to have to ask where were you tonight before the attack?

Tara: House party.

Y/n: I was with her. 

Sam: I was at my therapist.

Baily: Anything happen?

Sam: Well... i had to tase somebody in the balls.

"Baily raises his eyebrow"

Sam: Nothing to do with this...

Baily: Before or after this?

"He showed a video of Sam attacking the girl who threw water at her."

Sam: After...

"Baily nods"

Baily: We found your ID at the crime scene...

Y/n: She was set up!

"I said"

Baily: Proof?

Y/n: Sam wouldn't kill anybody. Oh and even if she did... she would be way smarter then to leave her ID there.

Tara: I agree

"Baily nods but is still suspicious"

Baily: Anybody you guys may suspect?  

Tara: Well we moved her a couple months ago... we met Anika Ethan Quinn Y/n... 

Y/n: I think I'm off the list

"I smile with confidence"

Baily: Your now on top of the list. 

"My smile faded and so did my confidence"

Baily: Anyways. Quinn's of the list. She is my daughter

"We all slightly nod not 100% agreeing."

Y/n: So... Anika is pretty chill i don't think its her 

Sam: But it could.

"Sam whispered"

Baily: So you suspect Anika?

"Baily asked sam"

Sam: Just saying. 

"Sam's confidences was lower than mine. A cop came in telling baily the FBI? FBI!? Was here. Okay... i probably have nothing to hide but the FBI? this is making me nervous like... making me rethink everything did i commit a crime? am i going to get in trouble? I STOLE A CANDY BAR..."

"My jaw dropped" 

Y/n just like me 

Peace And War | Tara Carpenter X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now