Part 6-Skela

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      Elithiana awoke in the morning to Lilith lying next to her, curled up, with her arms wrapped around one of Elithiana's arms. 

      "Hey, wake up, Lilith. We have to get going." Elithiana decided she was not going to allow any time to waste this time. She moved the arm that Lilith had a hold of causing Lilith to groan and wake up. Elithiana pulled her arm completely out of the green-eyed girls grasp and stood up, searching the camp for anything they may leave behind. When Elithiana finally decided that they had everything she needed, she looked at Lilith who was writing something down in her journal. Lilith looked up at Elithiana from her place on the ground, standing up and dusting off her dress, ready to go. 

      "Okay! I'm ready, let's go!" Lilith said, hopping up joyfully. Elithiana gave Lilith a quizzical look, waiting for her to complain about something, but shockingly, no complaints came. Elithiana led Lilith out of the trees and back to the path. Once again starting their journey back up. Elithiana walked silently, her footsteps never making any sound, Lilith noticed this, the way Elithiana walked so surely, yet so cautiously. "Hey, why do you do that?"

      "Do what?" Elithiana questioned, her eyes never once leaving the path in front of her.

      "Walk super-duper quiet! I can't even hear you!"

      "When I kill people, they'll never hear me coming. How do you think I killed that fox without him noticing me." Elithiana said, in a very sarcastic, bored tone. 

      "That makes sense." Lilith said, not knowing what else to say to Elithiana. She just walked behind her, admiring everything about her. She'd never met someone as interesting as Elithiana, she thought of all the stories she could talk about their adventures, maybe she could write a book about it later. She couldn't help but just stare at Elithiana, the way she moved, so fluidly, so beautifully. Lilith felt captivated by the girl's dark hair, and how it even shone in the sunlight, and the way her eyes are hazy when she wakes up, the right eye smoky red and the left an icy blue. Lilith snapped out of her trance when a chilly gust hit them. Why does she keep thinking about Elithiana, why does she keep staring at her, wishing that the elf would run her fingers through her hair, and hold her close again? 

      Suddenly, there was a roar, and a large cat-like creature jumped out at them. Elithiana jumped backwards, pushing Lilith out of the way and throwing a dagger from her thigh into the creature's head. She approached the creature, which was raging, grabbing the blade and turning it, pulling it out. Lilith watched in horror as the creature fell to the ground and died in puddle of its own blood. Elithiana stared down at the creature for a moment and set off back on the path, putting the dagger back into its place. 

      "Uhhh, what the hell? The poor little kitty!"

      "That 'poor little kitty' would've mauled you and you would've died in an instant, Lilith." Elithiana said, annoyed. Lilith picked up on the annoyance in her voice and decided to just be quiet. After five more hours of walking the two girls were almost at Skela, they would finally get to rest and take a break from all of this walking, killing, and complaining, both of them would be grateful for this. As they walked for thirty more minutes, they had finally arrived in Skela.

      "Elithiana!! We're hereeee," Lilith said jumping up and down happily. She rushed over to Elithiana, guessing that she must not have heard her, and started shaking her violently, "We'reee hereeee."

      "Yes, Lilith I know that we are here now."

      "Okay, as long as you know," Lilith said unable to contain her excitement because she had never been anywhere else besides her small house and the tavern that she worked in all day. 

      Elithiana sighed, "What am i going to do with you?" she mumbled, as they entered the city. Just in time, the sun was setting. They needed to find a place to stay for the night. Luckily, there was an inn near the entrance of the city. Elithiana and Lilith entered the inn, Elithiana walked up to the counter, looking at the innkeeper who was distracted by something under the counter. "Excuse me, we need two rooms." 

      "Don't got two rooms, only one for yer ladies" The innkeeper said, standing up straight, looking at the two women.

      "Then I need a room with two beds" 

      "Nope, only got rooms with one bed left" Elithiana had the most expressionless look on her face.

      "I guess that will have to do." She passed the man three gold, and he placed the key on the counter. 

      "Up the stairs, first door on the left. Have yerself a good night." Elithiana turned around, Lilith following behind her, kind of excited that they would be sharing a bed tonight, she would get to cuddle Elithiana all she wanted! They entered the room, Elithiana closing and locking the door behind them, as she took off her cloak and scarf, revealing more than Lilith had ever seen of her. Her arms, her neck, Lilith wanted to reach out and touch her pale skin, it looked like scratched porcelain. Elithiana looked down at the small bed in slight horror. Lilith hopped on the bed, taking off her boots, and setting them on the floor. She was so exhausted, and she wasn't sure if Elithiana was as exhausted as her, but she had to be. She never knew anything with Elithiana, did she hate Lilith, or did she care about her?  Lilith let out a small sigh, as she observed Elithiana, taking off her thigh straps, and her boots. Elithiana, looked at Lilith with cool eyes. 

      "I want the side by the wall." Elithiana said, walking towards the bed. Lilith nodded and moved more towards the edge of the bed as a blush creeped up her face. She couldn't believe she was about to share a bed with Elithiana. 

      Elithiana crawled onto the bed, she seemed so delicate without all her gear on, so petite, yet Lilith knew that she wasn't delicate, Elithiana was the perfect predator, she could lure any man she wanted to her then kill them. After they were lying next to each other, but facing different ways for a while, Lilith rolled over and cuddled up to Elithiana, fully aware that she wasn't asleep yet. Elithiana went stiller than normal, almost making Lilith roll over and stare at the oak door until she fell asleep, but she didn't want to leave Elithiana. She felt comfortable next to her, and never wanted to leave, not if she didn't have to, and if Elithiana didn't say anything about it, that meant it was okay, so Lilith stayed with her arms wrapped around Elithiana. After a little while longer Elithiana said, "You sure like to cuddle me, don't you?" Lilith felt her face heat up,

      "Yes, I do, there's something about you that I find comforting, I don't want to leave you." Elithiana didn't respond for a little bit, the silence started to become suffocating. Elithiana mumbled,

      "Nobody has said anything like that to me before." Elithiana then realized that she said this to nobody because Lilith had already fallen fast asleep, clinging on to her as if she was going to be ripped out of her arms. So Elithiana closed her eyes as well, content, she slept okay that night.




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