Kyle x Kenny

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This is just texts between Kyle and Kenny :)
I also feel like the two of them would do something stupid with their contact names and have a penis joke or something, especially for Kenny lol

(From Kyles Phone)
                          Hey Ken, what's up? :Me

Kenny🍆: Not much man, just chillin'. How about you?

                                        Same, trying to finish up some homework. Have you started on our group project yet? :Me

Kenny🍆: Uh, not really no. I kinda forgot about it, to be honest

              Kenny, come on! We only have a few days left and we need to present it in front of the whole class             :Me

Kenny🍆: Yeah, yeah, I know. I'll work on it tonight, I promise

           Okay, good. I'm counting on you. By the way, have you seen the new episode of "Game of Thrones"?       :Me

Kenny🍆: No, I haven't had a chance to watch it yet. Don't spoil it for me!

  Haha, don't worry. I won't. But it's so good! I can't wait for the next one :Me

Kenny🍆: Yeah, I heard it's gonna be epic. We should watch it together sometime

                          Definitely! Maybe we can have a sleepover this weekend and binge-watch the whole thing :Me

Kenny🍆: Sounds like a plan. I'll bring the popcorn

                         Alright, I gotta go back to my homework. Talk to you later :Me

Kenny🍆: Later man, good luck with the homework!

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