Oh please...

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((Hey guys this is my first fanfic please give me a chance (all the people reading it be like the song))

Mikes p.o.v-

I was walking down to Freddy fazfucks to do my lame ass job... God I fucking hated it, well at least I had day shift that's a step up. I finally got to my job and opened the door to hear the screams of children I mumbled "Jesus fucking Christ..."

I hated the loud children that blared screams I just wanted to strangle them... but the boss will cut my pay... I let out a soft sigh as I noticed someone taking to the boss, I didn't recognized them he might be the bosses kid. Wait does the boss even have a kid? I don't think he does....ha no one in their right mind would want that wrinkly d- "Mike!" I jumped was I saying that out loud? the boss yelled again "mike! get in here!" oh shit how the hell did he hear me....I walked over there hoping he would give me a break.

He gestured me in and I gave him a 'just get it over with' look, he opened his mouth that would never shut. Oh great he's going to yell, I thought to myself. "This is jeremy you'll be his mentor" he said with that grimmy smirk on his face. "wait, wha..." I'm not "mentoring" someone oh hell no and plus his hair is going to bug the shit out of me I mean holy hell maintain that shit it's...kind adorable I'll admit his fluffy brown hair sticking up every where and in his face....wait what the hell. no that sounded gay psh, Fuck that. "You heard me now show him around.... or else" I growled and mumbled "go Fuck yourself"...than I sighed realizing there was no going against it I looked at the kid he was looking at the ground.what the hell is his problem? "Alright...keremy? Was it?"

(Sorry I'm switching) jeremy p.o.v-

I was starring at the ground trying not to make eye contact with the older man in front of me.... he was so intimidating. "Aright... keremy? was it?" Oh no he messed up my name I don't want to correct him I'm too scared that..... he'd get mad and hurt my ugh say something quick!

My thought spinning around in my head I managed to say one word "j-jeremy" he gave me a puzzled look "what kid?" Oh no he can't hear me but I don't want to say it again my face started to heat up with embarrassment. "Kid?" My face was on fire "u-um....i-it was j-jeremy" I spoke a little louder. I was shaking at the pure thought of making him mad. He rolled his eyes "I'm going with 'kid' cause you won't tell me" I screamed at him in my mind jeremy! I said jeremy! But I knew I couldn't do that in real life hell I can barely even do that in my brain I felt guilty for doing it.

"Alright kid, lemme show you around..." I followed the taller man around. I examined him closely and I realized he had scarres on his head. "Wonder what's that's from?" "What kid?" I jumped from the realization I said that out loud! "I-I nothing" I followed him in embarrassment "I heard what you said kid" Oh so now he hears me. "It's about my scarres huh?" We stopped. "I-i" he cuts me off "save it kid" Oh God I felt terrible. I mean who am I to judge or stare at him he probably thinks I'm a complete and utter moron! But than I saw him wipe a tear from his face... oh no I feel terrible....I...

Mikes p.o.v-

"Save it kid" I knew he probably thought I was a freak fucking foxy had to go shit crazy biting of my head now I have short term memory... but I can remember that day perfectly... the day I lost my trust for things... ugh no not now I don't need to think of this right now I felt something warm go down my face.... was I crying..?
I wiped it away quickly and pushed my feelings back down in to the deep hole it was meant to be in I  took a deep breath to clear my mind.

"so kid, what shift are you working on in this hell?" He stumbled on his words "n-n-night, s-sir." HA! He'll get what's coming to him. I chuckled "have fun kid" I smirked. I brought him to the office he would be working at "you'll be working here and you'll be watching the animatronics and making sure kids are not in here or someone breaks in some dumb shit like that" he smiles cute wait what the Fuck no stop thinking that.

(Tell me if I should continue)

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