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chapter 20 ~ Happily ever after

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chapter 20 ~ Happily ever after

A week had passed since Mal and Audrey's battle. Thankfully Hades had been able to save Audrey and not cause any trouble in the meantime, for that everyone was glad.

It was Mal and Bens engagement party and Phina was wearing a dress that Evie had so kindly made for her. It was light blue and tied like a corset at the back. The fabric was light so it swayed in the wind elegantly and Phina loved it.

Evie who was dressed up in her own custom made dress looked beautiful as always whilst they waited for Mal and Ben to make their first appearance.

Finally, the king and new queen walked through the crowd greeting people as they walked to the balcony in which they stopped and looked over their people.

"Lady Mal and i want to thankyou for celebrating our engagement with us today" Bens words earned a round of cheers and applause. He turned to Mal who was stood dutifully by his side.

"i couldn't prouder or happier to call you my queen...So, raise your glasses to our future queen of Auradon" Everyone raised their glasses and in unison said "to our queen of Auradon!"

"Speech your special-ness" Carlos said in a fake posh voice.

"Speech, oh fancy one" Jay echoed his friend with his own strange accent.

Everyone including Mal laughed at the boy's antics but when they laughter died down Mal suddenly looked upset. Jay, Carlos, Evie and Phina all having noticed the girls sudden change in mood looked at each other with concern before turning back to their friend in front of them.

"I can't" The crowd gasped "i can't be queen of Auradon" Ben looked at his fiancé in worry and asked her something that Phina couldn't quite hear. The couple conversed for a short while and then Mal turned to address the crowd again.

"we made a close the barrier forever. And it was my idea, but it's wrong. I've learned that you can't live in fear, because it doesn't actually protect you from anything" Mal chuckled with teary eyes "you never know where the bad is gonna come from and you never know where the heroes are gonna come from either"

Phina thought about Harry, Uma and Gil with a sad smile.

"without Uma and her pirates..." Mals eyes fell on Phina for a few seconds "Auradon would be gone. And without father" The crowd gasped once more "Audrey would be gone. We are all capable of good and bad, no matter which side of the barrier so come from"

Mal turned to her boyfriend "And that's why i can't be queen of just Auradon. I have to be queen of the isle too. And it's time that we take the barrier down forever"

Mal and Ben spoke with Bens parents briefly and then Ben spoke too

"i choose to be a king who moves forward. It's time for forgiveness. It's time for new beginnings. The barrier will come down!"

"Yes!" Carlos cheered in excitement.

Everyone clapped in applause at the king and soon to be queens decision and Mal gestured for her friends to join her up on the balcony. Phina stayed down with the rest of the crowd eager to stay away from any unneeded attention.

Fairy god mother passed Mal the wand and Ben, Evie, Jay and Carlos huddled around her looking out to the isle of the lost.

"To make the world a better place, We have to do it face to face" A stream of gold magic shot out of the wand towards the isle and just like that the barrier was no longer there, setting everyone free.

If Phina was totally honest, as happy as she was for Harry, Uma, Gil and all the other innocent children, she was scared of the real villains that the isle held. Captain Hook mainly, she had been warned about him since she was a small child and now he had the chance to get his revenge without the restraints of the barrier. The thought was enough to sent a fierce shiver down her spine.

She pushed her anxieties aside and ran up to her friends to hug each of them as they watched a bridge between Auradon and the isle appear. People from the isle spilled out of the gate squinting at the suns brightness they were not yet used to.

Without waiting for any of her friends Phina began to run across the newly formed bridge. A laugh if pure joy bubbled in her throat at the excitement of it all. Her pinned up hair began to loosen from her relentless running until it tumbled down her back in blonde waves and she had noticed her high heeled shoes were slowing her down so she kicked them off and continued to run, she'd get them later.

There he was next to Uma. Stealing her breath away as a grin stretched across his face at the sight of her. She was an out of breath mess but he didn't seem care as he left Umas side smiling widely and sparkling eyes full of excitement.

She crashed into Harry who was running to meet her in the middle and he lifted her up and twirled around. Her legs wrapped around his waist and he had his head tilted up slightly to look at her. As their eyes met, the world seemed to fade away. She felt his hand gently touch her cheek, his fingers tracing a line down her jawline. Her heart raced as his lips met hers, soft and gentle.

As they finally broke the kiss, they looked into each other's eyes, both knowing that they had found something special in each other. It was a moment that would stay with them forever
The look in his eyes held a million words but he simply grinned.

Phina looked over at Uma as the girl had let out a low whistle it the pairs public display of affection but Phina jokingly scoffed and turned back to Harry who had yet to take his eyes off if her.

"It's only been a few days but i missed you" She said as he continued to hold her up with one arm. The other swiped away a happy tear that had escaped her pretty eyes with his calloused finger. Even the roughness of his working hands brought her comfort and happiness.

He brushed his hand through her now loose and wind swept hair as he ran his eyes across every inch of her face as if he was checking she was really here and this was all really happening.

Her brain couldn't formulate a single thought except happiness. Harry set her down gently after he had held her long enough and she ran to Uma, throwing her arms around the girl. Uma laughed and hugged her back tightly before the both of them pulled back. Elation was clear as day on Umas face. And then there was Gil who watched with a happy smile. Phina walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

"Right that's enough of that eh?" Harry said to to Gil who still had his arm wrapped around Phina. Gil was purely being friendly and nothing more so the two other pirates simply laughed.

"Come on let's go find the others" Phina grabbed Harry and Umas hand and tugged them across the bridge to reunite with Mal, Jay, Evie, Carlos and Ben.

The two groups met and a series of squeals and hugs ensued.

Phina heard Mal gasp and turned to see what the soon to be queen was looking at. Walking across the bridge was a group of people from the isle that held a puppet dragon made out of all different kind of materials. Everyone smiled at the thoughtful tribute to Mal as the dragon circled the laughing girl.

Arms wrapped around Phinas waist as she was tugged into a firm chest. She didn't have to look to know it was Harry. She smiled and tilted her head to look up at him.

His hair was tousled and a rose tint dusted his cheeks and nose. Happiness suited him more than anything she had ever seen before, and he could undoubtedly pull anything off. Sparkling crystal blue eyes looked down at her warm brown ones.

"You alright love?" His words came out as whisper.

"Couldn't be better" She grinned and watched her friends dance with happiness and chatter excitedly with Harry's arms wrapped around her and leant down to press a kiss to her cheek. There was no place she'd rather be.

AN: sorry for the long wait, i only hope it was worth it and you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as i enjoyed writing it!

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