Chapter - 21

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Teri dhadkano se hai zindagi meri
Khwahishein teri ab duaaein meri
Kitna anokha bandhan hai ye
Teri meri jaan jo ek hui
Lotunga yahaan tere paas main haan
Waada hai mera mar bhi jaaun kahin

Jo tu mera humdard hai
Jo tu mera humdard hai
Suhaana har dard hai
Jo tu mera humdard hai
hmmm.. humdard hai
hmmm.. humdard hai
hmmm.. humdard hai......



Samaira's pov ~

He was kept in the post op for 48 hours and then released from the hospital later on . Now we were on our way home .

I was driving the car and he was sitting next to me in the car .

"So are you still upset with me ?" He asked making me look at him for a second then back at the road .

"Well considering that me being angry with you won't bring me any peace and would rather bring me more discomfort. I would rather consider forgiving you ." I replied making him smile which unknowingly made me smile too .

"Thank you !" He said looking at me with loving eyes .

"Now tell me where did you go ?" I asked taking advantage of the moment .

"Ummm .. is that necessary ?" He asked rubbing his temple .

"Agar aapko phirse maarne ka shauk nahi hai toh phir aap mujhe bata de toh hi behter rahega ." I said looking at him for a second then again looking back at the road .

( "If you don't have a death wish again then it would be better if you tell me." )

"Ok my angry woman ! I went to go and get a necklace for you to try and convince you because i know that my words hurt you a lot ." He said and looked at me with soften eyes and i stopped the car .

"What ?" I asked in a rage filled tone .

"You went to get a fucking necklace but got into a bloody accident !" I asked filled with anger .

"Calm down ! Calm down !" He said trying to calm me down .

"Hmm !" I said trying to calm down and then again started the car .

"Don't you dare do that again !" I said and started driving again looking at the road .

The black cars were following us from both the sides beacause papa said that he has to tighten the security as much as possible.

"By the way any idea about who could have done this ?" I asked raising my eyebrows still focusing on the road .

"No not till now but we will soon start investigating and who so ever is involved will get what they deserve." He said .

"I mean till now do you have any suspicion over anyone ." I asked him .

"No as i don't have many enemies . I don't have suspicion on anyone at the moment !" He said looking a little stressed but as he was still recovering from the accident i decided to not ask him about it . I think he was either lying or trying to hide something from me .

Aniket's pov ~

I didn't tell her the truth because I don't want to make her worried . She will definitely get very worried if i tell her about what other works i do and that I have uncountable enemies.

Whoever did this definitely did this to stop the coronation as if their won't be any king there won't be any coronation too and then i wont get into power which is what they all want .

I know many enemies who can stoop this low but the only one who came to my mind was -


If he can do this to me then he will surely target Samaira next . i have to keep her close at me at all times . I thought to myself and looked at my side and found her completely focused on the road . I didn't even realise when i was completely lost in her captivating eyes and mesmerising features when she called me pulling me back to earth .

"We are home ! Now get down from the car ." She said unbuckling her seatbelt .

"Help me atleast Samaria ." I said looking at her with puppy eyes to which she obviously melted .

"Okay ! Okay ! Wait let me help you . " She said and got down from the car and helped me down .

Divyank and Samaira helped me up the stairs to the room . She laid down the pillows perfectly so that i could feel comfortable . Divyank and she helped me lay down . Divyank went outside and she was still arranging the pillows and blanket .

"You lay down i will come . I have to go and get the medicine from downstairs and also your food ." She said and was about to go out when i held her by her wrist and pulled her towards me resulting in her falling directly over my chest .

"Ouch !" She squirmed .

"Stay here for a while !" I said looking straight into her eyes while she was struggling to get up but i held her tight .

"Couldn't you just have asked me to stay rather than pulling me to you . "She asked rolling her eyes and trying to get up .

"Leave me !" She protested while struggling to get up .

"I don't plan on doing that . At least in this universe  ." He said and looked straight into my eyes which obviously made me blush a little .

"Leave me for just a second then i will just go fetch the things and then stay with you for as long as you want . Okay ? " She said and i left her but she again fell on my chest because her nuptial chain had gotten stuck in my button .

"Ouch !" I squirmed mocking her .

"Haww ! You mocked me ." She said trying to look offended but failed cause the only thing she looked that moment was breathtakingly cute .

"Look my nuptial chain got stuck in your button ," She said trying to pull it out but was not able to do so . So i helped her because i didn't want her nuptial chain to break otherwise i would have let her to do it because it would have made her stay with me longer .

"Wait i will do it . " I said and got it out and she left as soon as I de attached it she left and i looked at her dissappering figure pouting regretting why i had helped her .

Samaira's pov ~

I took the medicines and food for him upstairs and when I entered the room i saw him already asleep . Not gonna lie he looked so peaceful sleeping . As much as i wanted to wake him up to give him medicines and feed him i wanted him to also rest cause that is equally as important but i decided to wake him up anyways cause he needed to atleast take his medicines .

"Ani ! Ani ! Aniket ! Wake up ! Aniket ! Wake up . " I said trying to wake him up but that man was not waking up despite my uncountable attempts .

"The nerves of this man !" I said to myself and finally he woke up after almost a thousand of attempts.

"What ?"He asked annoyed and covered himself with his duvet .

"Wake up for a sec Aniket . Wait i will feed you the medicine ." I said and went to the table and got the medicines .

"Lift your head up !" I said helping him to lift his head up and fed him the medicines .

I pulled the covers back on him and helped him to lay down comfortably. I didn't have the appetite even though I didn't eat well from the past three days but i would have eaten if he ate with me but as he was asleep i went and kept the food back and then switched the lights off and laid down on the bed beside him . I laid down and he back hugged me which i didn't seem to mind because him being with me was itself enough . I didn't mind it at all and then sleep took over me .

Hayyeeeee !! Back hugs and all .

Who can his enemies be ?

Will he be able to protect samaira?

Next chapter gonna be up tomorrow. Till then stay tuned and keep VOTING. Love you guys .

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