Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Orlai's POV

I feel a hand on my cheek, waking me up.

I open my bleary eyes. I'm not sure what happened. Did I overdose on sex? I don't know if that's possible... well, maybe Kor sex was different.

I am laid back, looking through the darkness of a familiar metallic room from an ancient memory.

In front of me I hear movement from the adjoining bathroom.

Outside the blue arch, Alpha Centauri waltzes out... completely naked – he has disrobed, and I only see his long metallic hair caressing his blue skin. He is much taller, much stronger than them all. A true fit for a King. His naked body was different to any other. I knew because it was just impossible to replicate. Men were strong. Kors were uniquely predatory. And he was built for more than hunting – he could command with his physique alone.

I'm not sure if I'm dreaming as Alpha Centauri walks across his darkly lit room, and my eyes run over his shoulders and arms and legs... and his torso... all of him... coming toward me.

His eyes are on me but I'm confused why I'm even in here.

Until I feel strong hands on my arms, and they're pulled back up above my head.

Arcturus – he is lying down behind me, I didn't realise, and I'm lying on top of him! I was so drained from the sex we had before, I was totally out of it. My arms are tender, he realises this as I moan my discomfort, so he loosens his hold just enough, keeping my wrists together in one hand.

With my arms in a vice, my tits are now pushed out naturally, like I'm a full course meal ready to be devoured.

I watch Alpha Centauri move elegantly onto the bed before moving over me.

He presses his lips to my chest, kissing my skin, lightly tasting my salt again.

As the Estori's lips touch me they apply pressure I can't escape. I feel his teeth caress my tits as he opens his mouth and my heart-beat flies high as I arch my back, whimpering as Arcturus makes sure I can't lower my arms to feel protected from my mate. He keeps me still and open for this.

I close my eyes as I cry with want – I had imagined this every night of my life since I left my Alpha Centauri.

I refused to think – refused to imagine, however, that once he walked toward me in my home, it would be anything but... pure hatred.

Maybe I was wrong.

I feel Alpha Centauri's thigh between my legs and I wrap my own legs around his, steadying myself, needing to hug something with my naked chest so exposed.

But I feel his tongue, now licking between the valley of my breasts – up to my neck, where his teeth touch me.

I can't hold it in anymore.

As my body tenses with my rising emotion, it bubbles over when his hard dick slides across my belly.

"Stop! You don't want me anymore!" I scream it as I open my eyes and struggle.

Arcturus immediately releases me and Alpha Centauri rises above my chest, giving me space to let it all out.

I get my arms back, so I bring them down to my sides, before crossing them over my chest. I breathe hard, rattled by my own emotion as Alpha Centauri watches each tear run out of my eyes.

Arcturus slides a warm and comforting hand over my waist and then over my ribcage, feeling my heart.

I look up at Alpha Centauri, as he remains calm.

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