𝟒|𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭

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Dd took my hand and we ran out the door. He walked me to my car opening my door. "You going straight home?" He said.


He pulled me in hugging me. "Call me when you get home"

I nodded my before starting my car to pull off.

When I got back I quietly went to my room stripping off my clothes before taking a shower. After, I did my skin routine and put on a cute outfit before plopping onto my bed.

I cut on my tv going to netflix before remembering I had to call dd back. "damnn" I said to myself before grabbing my phone.

I went to dd contact starting a facetime call. It took a few rings before he answered. When his face popped up I immediately saw him laying down with Jaya sleep on his chest.

"Awee look at my babyyy" I said smiling." she was sleeping so peacefully like I really missed my baby. "I miss her smm" I whined.

"Then come over here mh, we got mad room" dd said in his sleepy ass voice. I started laughing and he looked at me confused. "Dd you sound tired"

"yea I'ma gts but not till you get over here" he said shifting in his bed. "Who said I was coming over?"

He sucked his teeth. "mami come onnn"

The thought of going over there did not sound right at all knowing we not together... but I did miss my baby and what happened tn made me feel some way.

"alr alr give me a few minutes" I said rolling my eyes.

He nodded his head and I ended the call before getting out of my bed. I grabbed my pink duffel bag stuffing it with necessities, morning care, and changing clothes.

After that I slipped on my ugg slippers grabbing my keys. I tiptoed down my stairs trying not to wake anybody up before I ran into my sister.

"Girl where tf you going" she said from infront of me.

This girl literally came out of nowhere.

"I'm finna spend the night with yoni" I lied.

She side eyed me like she already knew something was up.

"desi where you really going?"

"I'm going over to dd crib" I sighed.

"DD?" She said out loud.

I gave her a glare and she lowered her tone.

"Girl why you going over there at almost 2 o'clock in the morning"

"because he want me to come leaaa" I said getting fed up.

She was really asking to many questions, and It was starting to get me tight.

"don't do nothing with that boy" she said stepping out my way so I can go.

"I'm not, n tell madre I'm with yoni"

She nodded her head and I gave her a quick hug before walking out heading to my car.

𝙙𝙙 𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙗|2:15 am

I pulled up infront of dd house and pulled out my phone to text him.

I pulled up infront of dd house and pulled out my phone to text him

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I'm outside

Alr mh I'm coming

I waited In my car for dd to come out before I saw his front door open

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I waited In my car for dd to come out before I saw his front door open. He walked out being alert but you could tell he was sleepy asl.

He came to my door side opening it so I could get out. "Hey mamii". He said in his sleepy voice bringing me in a hug.

"Hi dd" I said hugging him back.

Even tho he was tired he looked happy asf for some reason and I was tryna figure out why. "Why you look so happy"

"Bc you here"

I was shocked asl and turned my head from him looking the other way smiling. "Nah mh look at me why you looking away" he said grabbing my face.

He knew I couldn't do eye contact so all this was driving me over the edge.

"you so extraaa, like can we go inside I wanna see my baby"

He started laughing before putting his arm around my shoulder and walking us inside. "We gotta stay quiet everybody in here sleeping"

I nodded my head and we walked into his room.
As soon as we entered I noticed my baby wasn't on dd bed anymore.

"Dd where is my babyyy" I said whining.

"She sleep in the room with Notti, I gave her to him before I came to get you"

"Is Notti awake?"

"Idk, but let's worry abt that later" he said grabbing my hand.

I looked at him confused.

"Wym worry abt that later?" I said side eying him. But before I could say anything else he picked me up. "dd what is you doing.."

He sat me on the bed looking me dead in the eyes. "Dd-"I started before he cut me off. "Mh when we kissed at that party rs did it mean sum to you?"

I was surprised he asked that question and didn't really know what to say. I could tell he we nervous of my answer cause he was looking down playing with his curls.

"It's okay mh if it didn't mean nothin-" he started before I cut him off lifting up his head. "Yea it meant something to me dd, if I'm being honest that's been on my mind ever since"

He looked at me blankly and I was so confused before he leaned in kissing me again. I didn't hesitate and kissed him back and when he realized he started grabbing my waist so I pulled away.

"Dd yk we can't be doing this..."

"Oh I thought we was on the same page mb"

I started laughing and he got up laying his head in my lap. It was silent for a minute before dd broke it."Mh I still got feelings for you" I was shocked and leaned over looking him in his face, he was serious.

I pecked his lips and then ran my hands through
his hair. "I think I do too" I felt him smile on my leg and I started laughing as he picked me up laying me down as he laid on my chest.

I pulled the covers over us and continued to play in his hair. "I love you mh" dd said in a sleepy voice.

I smiled. "I love you to ml" I said before we both fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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