(1) The first chaotic meet

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Jimin just came back home from his part time job...he saw his little brother studying..."Everyday going from home to part-time job then delivering meals was not an easy thing to do for jimin...Especially when he was the only one earning in his household...

he collapsed onto the sofa, completely drained of energy...

"You had dinner?"

he asked his little brother sunoo...Who shook his head in response...making min sigh...he was about to get up when he got a call...It was from his dad



The casino and bar was full of colours...Music was playing and the laughter of people could be heard...It was the only place where gambling, Weapon exchange and all those illegal stuffs were done openly without the notice of police...Because it was owned by the most powerful yet dangerous yet to be mafia king...Despite of all the happiness of the couples...A certain black haired male sighed and closed his eyes as the dark memories started to consume him...


"Take care Tae...Don't be like your father..."

little tae looked at her innocently...She smiled at him When suddenly some people started to take him away...



An old voice bought him back from the trance of memories...The past that made him the ruthless male he is today...He opened his eyes and saw his grandpa...If it wasn't his grandfather...The person would've been burnt to ashes by now...For disturbing him...

Tae took a glass of wine in his hand...

"Did you think about what I said?"

The black haired male sighed hearing his grandpa...

"In case you forgot...Kuroi yakuza is already planning ahead of us to take over the power..."

The older male looked at his grandson and saw his jaw clenched and a nerve on his forehead already popping at the mention of his name...

"Tae you have to take power...I don't know how long I'm going to live..."

"Is there any other way that exists?"

Taehyung asked

"If there was...I wouldn't be here trying to convince you"

"Fine...Find someone...I'm ready"

Tae's grandpa smiled a little...Happy that his grandson is ready to marry...
But taehyung...He was not at all happy...There was no place for a lover in his life...Every person who enters their family with a tag, kim besides thier name...Had already demised at a young age...After the exit of his mother from his life...there is no place for any one in his heart...

The thing is that...He should be a married man to take over the throne...

"I will take my leave now"

Taehyung told his grandpa who nodded in response...

As he was walking towards the exit someone held his hand...tae looked back at the person who dared to stop him...The middle aged person was already at the gun point...

"B-Boss...He's d-drunk...Please leave him...His son is coming to take him"

The waiter pleaded... Taehyung harshly released his hand and walked away without even sparing another glance at him...


Jimin was already in a hurry to stop his father from drinking more as he can't afford to pay the bills of this expensive casino...


He bumped into someone's hard shoulder and was ready to fall down and break his teeth...But he was saved as the string of his bag got stuck into that man's watch...

"Oh my precious $3 bag saved me...excuse me...I'm sorry I was in a hurry..."

Jimin apologised...and looked up at the man...he froze looking up at his almond eyes...They were so beautiful...

"Did he just fell from heaven by mistake?"
Jimin thought...

But something seems off about him...min looked around and saw all those bulky men around him looking at you as if he had murdered someone...jimin quickly took a step forward and tried to free his bag as that man's aura was making him feel uncomfortable...

Meanwhile taehyung was pissed off... Everyone was just testing his patience today...First he got betrayed by a trusted man...Then that marriage issue...Then that drunkard...And now this guy...He felt a soft touch on his wrist...he looked at jimin trying to free his bag...But he was so slow that it pissed him off more..

He snatched his hand...Not caring about jimin's bag that he almost tore...And stuff that fell from his bag...He walked away not giving a fvck...

"Excuse me Mr. Stuck up suit guy...I think you lost something"

Jimin said making taehyung halt and look back at him...

"Your manners...You crushed it under that huge Ego of yours..."

Tae took out a gun from his back walking towards Min...Eyes turning dark...

"Shit...Park run for your life"

Jimin thought and quickly disappeared into the crowd...
Tae smirked


He called his right hand..

"Yes boss"

"I want the details of that boy by tomorrow..."


"Dad please stop drinking...I can't afford it"

Jimin snatched the glass from his hand and gave it to the waiter who called him...It wasn't new for him to get completely wasted and jimin getting a call to take him...

The waiter waited for the payment...

"Umm....Can I pay 2 days later...I actually have to pay my brother's fees..."

"I'm sorry sir...But i can't risk my job..."

"Oh it's okay...I understand..."

Jimin said and hesitatingly gave him the money...

"Atleast do me a favour...Don't let my father enter this casino ever again"

The waiter nodded and min thanked him and went out with his dad...


"Here's the details of the boy, sir"

Sunghoon said and gave a file to tae's grandpa...

"But sir...he's a normal boy...How can he-"

"I know...But i had my eyes on him since he started visiting this casino...I know he will be perfect for tae"

"But why him out of all the people"

"Because he is understanding, determined and kind...Complete opposite of taehyung"

The old man said looking at the file...

"But do you think...Boss will accept him after the incident at the entrance"

Sunghoon said and grandpa frowned

"What incident?"

"A small clash happened at the entrance...jay called and asked me for his details..."

Grandpa smiled...

"Then we don't have to do anything...He already chose him as a bride..."

"But what if boss do something to him?"

Sunghoon quickly shut his mouth when grandpa shot him a glare...

"I'm so sorry...I was just concerned about the innocent"

"Have you ever seen tae do anything to a person unless she/he interfered into his business?"

Sunghoon shook his head

"Then I guess you got your answer..."


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