(9) Sunoo

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Jimin saw Jay going out in his suit...

"Hey hey?! Where are you going?? Have breakfast first"

"Um...Hyung I'll have it late-"

"Nooo...Have breakfast..Then go wherever you want to go"

Jay couldn't argue back...And sighed...


Jimin smiled and ruffled his hair before giving him breakfast...

"What about grandpa and boss?"

"They already had their breakfast...Don't worry about them..."

"Okay hyungie"


Jimin was bored...Kept wandering here and there...He chuckled remembering what taehyung told him in the morning...

"Um...About last night...Just forget everything..."

He shook his head smiling...After some time

He decided to explore this mansion...Min started walking around mindlessly until He came across a room...

He opened the door and saw a whole ass library??


Jimin exclaimed...It's already been a month...He's living here and he didn't even knew about the library...

Looking around Jimin found a very interesting looking book...It had an expensive red coloured cover...Jimin decided to read it...As he was a big fan of books...He tried to take it out but it didn't even move...Jimin pulled it with all his might and heard a click sound...He stumbled back when a shelf started sliding towards the left, revealing a door...

What the actual heck?!! Did I just open a secret door by mistake???

He hesitantly went down the stairs and it was really dark...As jimin stepped down the last stair he saw a long dark hallway...It was still not to late...He could still go back...Jimin decided to go back but a voice stopped him...

"Help me"

A painful voice called jimin for help...He tried to ignore it but then again he heard it...

"Please help"

the man begged...

Min couldn't ignore it and went towards the room where the noice was coming from...

He opened the door which made a creak sound...As soon as the door opened Jimin saw a man tied to a chair his head lowered...He looked around and saw a broken bottle and few shards of glass on the floor

"I-I need water"

The man said and looked up only for jimin to let out a squeal and step back...His face was all bloody with scratches...

"Give me some water please"

Jimin was scared to even look at this man's face...

'just give him some water and leave jimin!'

He thought and looked around and found a container...Taehyung use this water to wake him up...Jimin quickly bought a glass of water...

"Please untie my hand...I know you're scared but I won't do anything"

The man said weakly...Jimin was too blinded by the thought of leaving that he untied the man's one hand...

The man purposely dropped the glass of water and asked for another one...

As jimin was busy in getting him another glass of water...He quickly untied his other hand...Min turned around and saw the man standing right infront of him...The man pushed jimin who fell on the glass shards letting out a scream...

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