(18) Is this the end?

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Jimin was not surprised when Taehyung chose his mother over him...he had always known how much his mother meant to him, but It would be a lie if he said he had not hoped once that Taehyung would choose him, the person he had vowed to...

When Taehyung told his decision, Jimin felt his little hope dying...He Had to accept his fate...

he tried to understand Taehyung's perspective, but it was difficult when he was the one who had to suffer the consequences of his choice. he did felt hurt, angry, and abandoned.

Was he being selfish? This world has been cruel to him...All his life...He has faced misery...Was this the time when he could be free from the problems and pain?

Jimin saw Taehyung looking at him...Their eyes met...For some reason jimin smiled wide...

"Very well...I think this Kim doesn't need park"

He heard yakuza and his words worked like a dagger being stabbed at not only jimin but at taehyung's heart too...

Without thinking, Jimin made a split-second decision. He climbed up onto the railing of the bridge and looked down at the water below...Without anyone noticing...It was a long drop, but it was his only chance...It was atleast better than the death yakuza is about to give him...

Taking a deep breath, Jimin jumped off the bridge and plummeted towards the water. He hit the surface with a loud splash, feeling the shock of the cold water surround him...


Taehyung watched in horror as Jimin jumped off the bridge and into the water below. He knew that yakuza was about to kill him, but he had never expected Jimin to take such a drastic step.

He ran to the edge of the bridge and looked down, trying to see if Jimin was okay. He saw nothing in the water, and he felt a surge of fear that he was still alive or not?

But he was pulled away as he heard the sound of gunshots behind him...

He turned and saw his men...They were much more in number than yakuza's gang...

Their sudden presence surprised yakuza...Maybe Jay had called them...Taehyung took out his gun and told one of his men to take her mother and misa away...The man nodded and they sat in the car even tho Tae's mother was a crying mess because of the loss of her son in law and the danger her son was in right now...They drove away from the chaos...

The sound of gunfire echoed through the night as the two groups clashed. Blood was spilled on the bridge as bodies fell to the ground. Yakuza's men fought with all their might, but it was clear that they were losing the battle.

Kuroi and Taehyung stood on opposite sides of the bridge, their guns drawn and aimed at each other. The tension in the air was palpable, and both men knew that only one of them would walk away from this fight... Ending it for ever...

Without warning, Kuroi fired his gun, the shot ringing out across the bridge. Taehyung dove to the side, narrowly avoiding the bullet, and returned fire. Kuroi ducked behind a nearby car, his gun still blazing.

The two men exchanged shots, their guns echoing through the night. Kuroi was fast and accurate, but Taehyung was a skilled marksman. The sound of their guns echoed through as they battled back and forth.

Suddenly, Kuroi saw an opening. Taehyung had left himself exposed, and yakuza seized the opportunity. With a quick shot, he almost hit Taehyung in the shoulder, causing him to stumble backwards...But Tae was safe...

Taehyung gritted his teeth and fired back, hitting Kuroi in the leg. Kuroi fell to the ground, his gun clattering to the pavement.

Taehyung approached him slowly,
Kuroi looked up at Taehyung, his eyes filled with fear...

Tae held his collor and gave a hard punch...Followed by another one and another...He went out of control... completely ruthless like a wild tiger...

He looked at yakuza who was laying motionless on the ground...but the fire inside him didn't stop...He was about to throw a blow at him again when he heard Jay


Taehyung stopped and looked back at Jay and saw they've killed almost all of yakuza's men...He hurriedly went to him...

"I have sent some men down in the river to find hyung...."

The bridge was silent as if nothing happened...Jay looked at kuroi and asked

"What about him...I can see him still breathing"

"Take him to my basement...He deserves the worst death"

Tae turned around and walked away from the scene, His mind filled with the thoughts of jimin...

'They will find him...Don't care about him too much'

Taehyung thought to himself despite the feelings that just grew with time...

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