(21) confrontation

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"Really? It's your engagement tomorrow?? I'm so happy for you Eunji!!"

Jimin chirped excited

"Jiminie! I cant...You know I love someone else...I agree he is handsome and all but I don't love him...I had to act shy and stuff because of dad..."

Jimin's smile faded as the realisation hit him...

"Yeah...You are right...But we can't do anything else but obey him..."

Eunji sighed nodding...


The engagement hall was grand and opulent, with high ceilings and chandeliers that sparkled in the light. The walls were adorned with intricate designs and paintings, adding to the luxurious atmosphere of the room.

The room was filled with rows of chairs on either side of the aisle, leading up to a raised platform where the bride and groom sat. The platform was decorated with flowers and candles, creating a romantic ambiance.

In the corners of the room, there were tables set up with trays of hors d'oeuvres and drinks, attended by waiters in black suits.

The guests were dressed in their finest attire, with women wearing elegant gowns and men in sharp suits. The room was abuzz with chatter and excitement, as everyone awaited the arrival of the groom and his family.

Overall, the engagement hall was a sight to behold, a perfect setting for a grand and lavish event....

A lot of black cars stopped infront of the hotel and Taehyung stepped out of his rolls Royce

He strode into the engagement hall with a cold and dominant aura, his guards following closely behind him. Heads turned as people noticed his presence, and whispers spread throughout the room.

As he walked down the aisle, Taehyung's eyes scanned the room, taking in every detail.... Searching for the person he was here for...

He stood at the stage and the bride's family was about to enter...

The large door opened again revealing
Eunji, Mr. And Mrs. choi and......Jimin

Jimin looked ethereal in that white dress...

Taehyung's heart started beating faster than a bullet train as jimin looked up and their eyes met

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Taehyung's heart started beating faster than a bullet train as jimin looked up and their eyes met...He saw jimin's expression change...

Jimin stood there frozen...His heart raced as he spotted his ex across the crowded room. It had been 11 long months since they had last seen each other, and the emotions that flooded through him were overwhelming.

Anger and sadness battled for control as he watched him standing at the stage...He was his sister's fiance??

Jimin clenched his fists, feeling a surge of bitterness rise up in his throat. He wanted to confront him, to demand an explanation for why he had broken his heart and left him to pick up the pieces....Just to come back and break it again...

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