Torn Hearts: The Lost Chronicles

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Torn Hearts: The Lost Chronicles

I saw her today.

She was standing in the shore with her feet buried in the sand. A shadow of worry fell over her face even as her head tilted toward the sun and I wanted to run up to her and kiss her frowns away. But my feet were lead, heavy with the pain I carried; the guilt that consumed me.

I stood still, watching as another man wrapped his arms around her and tickled her until she had no choice but to laugh.

A long minute passed, maybe two. And in it, time was cold and hard and made my feelings feel irrelevant, because it would go on, and I wouldn't. Hours would pass, weeks, months, and all that would be left in my mind were those haunting moments: her tears, my pain, her smile as she looked at someone else.

Maybe time would have pity on my tortured soul and teach me how to live without her.

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