XXIII - Caught

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Ao'nung and I walked hand in hand back to my hut, smiling and laughing about nonsense when Ao'nung stopped. I turned my gaze to follow his when I saw my worst nightmare. Mom, Dad, Ronal and Tonowari standing in my families hut with frowns and scowls on each of their faces.

I gulped, retracting my hand from Ao'nung's as I walked forward. Ao'nung walked behind me, slightly to the side.

"Get in here." Dad spoke as he grabbed my arm and dragged my into the hut. Ronal did the same to Ao'nung. Both of our families were there, our siblings sent out for whatever talk we were going to get.

Kiri gave me a look of pity as she walked out, one of her hands holding onto Tuk's and the other pushing Lo'ak out of the hut.

"Sit." Tonowari spoke. Ao'nung and I quickly sat down in front of Tonowari. My parents and Ronal stood off to the sides of him.

"Did you mate with her?" Ronal spoke up, slightly raising her voice at her son.

"Yes." Ao'nung spoke. Ronal hissed, pacing back and forth. "We had you set up with Aley!" Ronal growled. My eyes widened. Who was Aley?

"I never wanted to mate with her, and she didn't want to mate with me! She was in love with another and so am I, mother." Ao'nung yelled. Ronal bared her teeth, Tonowari placing a hand on his mates shoulder.

"We are disappointed in both of you. You both know better! Mating this young." Tonowari spoke, disappointment filling his voice. My ears lowered as Ao'nung grabbed my hand. His thumb rubbed over my hand, comforting me. Neytiri watched as the boy comforted her daughter, a slight slime being brought onto her face.

Jake and Neytiri weren't nearly as upset as Ronal and Tonowari were. They had no reason to be. They were only worried for their daughter, being mated so early in her life. Y/n would have become a tsahik anyway back in the forest, so she had all the right training.

"Ronal." I spoke. The woman's ears perked up at the sound of her voice, her head turning towards me. "I love your son with all my heart. Sure he was a bully when we first got here, but he really changed. He opened up to me, being there to comfort me when Neteyam died. If he hadn't helped me during that time, I don't think that I would be sitting here today." I spoke. At her daughters words, Neytiri put a hand over her mouth. Jake placed his arm around his mate, pulling her into a hug.

"I know that you don't really like us, that you think we're weird, freak, not true Navi but we are. And it just so happens that your son fell in love with one." I finished. Ronal processed my words, nodding slightly. Her and Tonowari spoke silently with their eyes, quickly coming to a conclusion.

"Alright, you will finish the proper training for becoming a Metkayina tsahik. There will be a feast and celebration when the Tulkun come back for the announcement of the new Olo'eyktan and Tsahik." Ronal spoke. I smiled as Ao'nung pulled me up from the ground, hugging me tightly. We thanked both of our parents, hugging all of them.

"Promise us one thing though." My Dad spoke up. We all turned to him, seeing a slight smile on his face. "No babies yet. I don't need to become a grandpa so soon. And we dont need little Y/n's or Ao'nung's running around. They would cause to much havoc." He smiled. I groaned at my dads words, seeing Ao'nung and his parents laugh.

I dragged Ao'nung out of the hut away from my parents, walking wherever my feet took me. He didn't bother asking where we were going, putting his trust in me.

"I want you to meet someone." I spoke as I stopped at a cliff. I chirped, turning and smiling at Ao'nung. His eyes widened and his mouth opened in fear as a wave of air pushing me forward. Xur'itan flew above me, screeching loudly. He circled around Ao'nung and I, landed in front of me.

"Is that your Ikran?" He questioned. I nodded, taking my hand and cradling Xur'itan's face in my hands. He purred loudly, pushing his head farther into my embrace.

"Come, he is harmless." I spoke as I placed a hand out for Ao'nung. He took a weary step forward, placing his hand in mine. "Just don't look him in the eye." I added. Ao'nung nodded, keeping his gaze on me or the ground instead of my Ikran. I took my hand that held Ao'nung's and placed it on Xur'itans head.

I retraced my hand, letting Ao'nung pet Xur'itan by himself. A small smile spread onto his lips when he started to feel more confident. I walked around the large body of the Ikran, swinging my body up on top of his. I grabbed my queue, the familiar bond between us happening again.

I felt his breath as he inhlaed and exhaled, his strong muscles tensing as he moved. His emotions flooding from his brain through mine.

"Ride with me." I spoke quietly as Ao'nung looked up at me with wide eyes. I was getting darker out, the sky painted in oranges and purples. I placed my hand out again, Ao'nung placing his in mine. I pulled him up onto Xur'itan's body, the boy placing his arms tightly around my waist.

"Hold on tight." I spoke before chirping, Xur'itan quickly taking off into the painted sky. Ao'nung let out a yelp, clenching his eyes while his grip around my torso became stronger.

Xur'itan flew at a steady pace, leveling out quickly. I tapped Ao'nung's arm gently. "Open your eyes Ma Ao'nung." I spoke. His eyes opened at my words, his head moving as he took in the sights around him. The sky had become darker, the light oranges and purple snow becoming much darker. The sea life and vegetation was glowing, helping illuminate the sky. The spots on my body as well as Ao'nung's and Xur'itan's sparkled in the night sky.

"It's beautiful." He spoke, placing his chin gently on top of my shoulder. I leaned my head against his, soaking up the peaceful night. We both closed our eyes, letting the wind keep us cooled off.

Everything was peaceful until we heard it.

Screamed sounded throughout the night sky, Ao'nung and I opening our eyes. On the ground below us stood burning villages. Almost all of the villages to the far east of ours were burned down, reduced to nothing.

A large ship bobbed in the water, looking more reinforced than last time. Ao'nung and I looked at each other, knowing one thing and one thing only.

This war is not done

1142 words, proofread. This story has come to an end! I will be starting a new sorry eventually between Ao'nung's twin (Y/n) and Neteyam, so stay tuned for that! I am very busy for sports so don't expect many updates with that story just yet. Thank you for reading my story and I hope that you enjoyed  reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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