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I woke up to the sound of light rain drops hitting the roof. My eyes cracked open as the dim light of a rainy day flooded the room. I sit up and rub my face, my long hair cascading down my front and back. I take a  few strands with my fingers, rubbing them together and letting it fall back down. I've been thinking of cutting it. Long hair is just too much for me. It is hot, and it gets everywhere because I shed like a damn dog.

I sigh as I get up from the bed, my legs numb from being inactive. I stumbled to the bathroom and turned on the sink. I splash my face with cold water and look up at the mirror. I press my hands on the counter as I lean in to inspect myself.

Sometimes, I don't even recognize myself... I feel like everything is out of place, like I don't belong. What is wrong with me? Why am I like this? Why do I have to live this way?

I turned away from the mirror is slight disgust and went back to my room to put on an outfit. Jeans, t-shirt, socks with Converse, and my safe haven, my parka.

I grabbed my bag and went outside and waited for Bella. I start the truck as soon as Bella hops in. Starting down the roads to the high school. Coming into the parking lot, I parked and hopped out. Heading into the office, I got our schedules, and of course, we have the same paper. Back to the truck, I give Bella our schedules. She stated we had the same classes, and again, I rolled my eyes. I started the truck and followed the line of traffic to the student parking lot.


We headed to our first period class. People were hanging up their coats, and Bella hung up hers, I didn't. I'm not showing my face to a bunch of buffoons that want to get up in my personal space.

Such low lives.

We got sent to the back of the room by the teacher. I could feel the stares, but I could care less. Bella, being the opposite, shied away from the attention. I sit down and wait for the lesson to be over. It's not like I'm going to pay attention.


The bell rang, signaling that the class was over. Thank God. Second class. Forced to introduce ourselves. Bella introduces me and tells people I was mute... I'm not really mute. I just don't feel like talking, I haven't heard my voice in years... I think I forgot what I sounded like. But it's not like they needed to know that.


Class after class, till lunch. People after people come up to us like we are animals in a zoo. We got pulled along with this girl that Bella became "friends" with, to their table with multiple other people that I couldn't give two shits about.

I guess I was spacing out because when I came back to reality, I saw literally everyone, including Bella, staring across the cafeteria. I looked where they looked and saw about five people sitting at a table. By textbook standards, they would be described as the most beautiful people alive. But I could also care less about whoever they are. "Who are they?" Bella asked. The girl who forced me to sit here explained how they are a family and that they are dating each other.

Not really any of my business.

Rosaline and that big dude Emmet were together, Alice and Jasper, who looks like he needs to take a shit, and then Edward was single, but he's too much of a prick to date anyone.

Sigh... Why do I have to be single?..

Wait... I know why... I hate people.

I also learned that they have a rivalry with this big group of boys and one girl. They are natives who live on the reservation. One of them was the weird kid I grew up with, Jacob.

And they seem to be the only people of color except for the one asian and black boy at the table i'm sitting at. This is such a white town that I think the rivalry is rooted in racism. I mean, they are a group of white people. But hey, I may just be shallow.

I saw Bella blushing looking at Emmett and Rosaline. I rolled my eyes for the millionth time today.

Love is just a waste of time. There are better things to focus on.


The end of lunch was signaled by a bell and headed my way to my next class, Bella, in tow.

Walking in, Bella sits next to a random guy. I just had to pass by when the fan turned to me and that weirdo, Edward covered his fucking nose like I fucking stinked. What a little bitch.

I took the only seat left next to Edweirdo, and he shrunk back from me... I'm about to knock him the fuck out. I can feel the air of the fan blowing on me, making me shiver and shrink further back in my parka, my bloody safe haven.

I mean, I like the breeze, but I don't like that it's gonna be blowing on me for a two hour class period. I pull my arms into the torso area of the jacket.


The smell, flying into the air.


The feeling that it brought with it. He just smells so good. I just want to eat him in so many ways... I knew he was one of my mates. Alice said I had two of them. I already knew my other mate was that mutt Jacob. And he knows it too. He just can't get over that hate he has for me because of what I am.

A leach he calls me.

It hurts every damn time.

Now my other mate thinks I'm weird and thinks that I think he stinks. I'm honestly moving away so I don't jump on him and expose myself. And keeping him safe... He just brings out the animalistic side of me.

Bell rings signaling the end of the day. I grabbed my things and walked out fast. I need to hunt to kill this hunger.

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